13 - Ride or Die

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Once upon a time there were 4 little girls who wanted justice for women rights. Everyday they went down to the closest river from their small village. On a Saturday a rich man came and bought the village from the mayor along with the girls. Their parents and moms didn't agree so the man killed them and kidnapped the little girl erasing their memories. When each of the girls turned 16, he gave them a bracelet and a tattoo. Jesy got fire, Perrie for earth, Jade got Air and Leigh Anne got water.
When the man died the girls swore they will protect the land until they will die, buy something terrible happened with Jesy one night. She got killed, by an ugly creature who supposed to be her beloved sister, Madeline. Perrie, Jade and Leigh Anne never spoke about this and erased everyone's memory about Jesy. After a few months Leigh got killed by an ice creature,who supposed to be her best friend. When Perrie and Jade were the only ones to remain to rule the kingdom, a boy came to the place asking for a place to sleep. The girls gave him food and a nice room, less Perrie knew the boy planned to kill Jade. The other day Perrie couldn't find Jade in her room so she checked the kitchen, but she wasn't there either. Perrie started to panic! Then she heard someone screaming.
"She was here! She's a monster! She's in the woods! Im going home ma'am!" The boy told Perrie.
When Perrie went to the woods she found Jade crying on a the ground, embraced by flowers and nature.
"What happened?" Perrie asked Jade.
When Jade turned over, her hair was green and her eyes were intense grey. Her dress was green and her tattoo turned to a double triangle with the number 4. She didn't responded to Perrie. She was waiting for Perrie to yell at her or to be scared, but instead of that Perrie hugged Jade.
"I'm sorry" Jade said.
"It's okay, we didn't knew that was Luke. We are going to figure it out together, everything" Perrie said, while smiling.

- After a few years -

"If you ever wanted freedom, you need to accept yourself first"
It was midnight, Jade instantly woke up. She felt like she's drowning in her own thoughts. She opened the window, but as she opened the window something landed in the room.
"You" Jade said looking straight at the boy. "What do you want?"
"Revenge" The boy said trying to kill Jade with the knife, but something stopped him. The little rose next to the mirror. It grown so big and it had fangs.
"I'm asking you one for time..." Jade asked the boy with a heavy breath... "Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Jade got the boys knife at his own neck and could easily kill him.
"I want revenge"
"If you would want revenge, you would brought an army to kill me" Jade said, slowly killing the boy with the knife.
"Please- You are not like this...Jade"
"Uh...Leave me alone!" Cried Jade as the knife 'fell' from her hand to the ground leaving the boy just with a scar. "Just go and, do your job Luke"
"Please Jade...I always-"
"MISSS JADE!?!? JADEEE!?!????" Screamed an old woman who instantly opened the door.
"What the hell?" Luke and Jade said together.
"Shoo, shoo bird boy! Shoo! Go away!" The old lady said.
"No,Elda! He's my friend!"
"Really?" Luke asked.
"Shut up" Jade smiled back.

Luke and Jade were old friends, but nothing more. They knew each other since ever, but one day Luke died. That made Jade so angry and to want revenge and she killed the whole kingdom. Perrie stood by her side all the time,until a very mysterious man came to the castle offering the girls to start a new life in change of someone's heart. Jade offered to rip her heart, but the man needed the heart of their father. The girls didn't accept the deal,but the man got the heart himself and the man throwed the girls into a portal to the 21 century. And this is how they ended up in our world. Alone.

Hey everyone! It's Friday and I couldn't be happier because there are only 21 days until endgame! Remember my words... if tony or Steve will die-
But anyway just hoping they will rescue everyone who got dusted and of course my baby Loki (do not tell me his dead only if you want me to kill u)

Q: what's your favorite movie?
A: I can't pick one

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