하나 - 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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𝒿𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓃'𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

"Yah, Kim Taehyung!" I heard Yoongi-Hyung scream. Taehyung and I were playing cards when we heard our Hyung. I first was shocked, and Tae was sure too. I don't know what TaeTae did, but he was sure in trouble. Big trouble.

"Where is he!?" Hyung shouted again. I looked at my best friend and he looked at me. 'Am I in trouble?' he mouthed. I nodded. He gave me a disappointment look and said "Thanks, Jimin-ah. You're really making me feel better." He stood up and I followed him out of my shared room with Hobi-Hyung. He slowly opened the door and peeked out of the room a little bit. I bet he's scared, I thought.

"I don't know maybe with Jiminie in his room. Why?" I heard Jin-Hyung saying. Taehyung groaned and said "Well, thank you Hyung." I smiled at his comment. But then Tae opened the door widely. He stepped out and walked in the Livingroom.

"Hyung, you called me?" I heard him ask.

"Yes, you! Do you think this is funny!" Yoongi-Hyung exclaimed angry. Taehyung seemed to not understand because he asked, "What is funny?"

"Don't act like you don't now, you brat! Is this funny!?" Hyung said and took out his phone. Then he showed it to Tae. From where I could see it was is a screenshot from a post on twitter, but the image was blurred. Tae read it and looked at me and then at Yoongi-Hyung who was still watching him angrily.

"What is this?" Tae asked. Yoongi-Hyung scoffed and said, "You tell me. What is this?"

"Hyung, I don't know! You think I wrote this? You must be kidding me." He half laughed the last sentence. I didn't understand what was happening, so I took the phone out of Tae's hand. He tried to grab it back, but I was faster.

"Jiminie! Its better if you don't read it." He said to me, but I didn't respond. I was about to read the post when Namjoon-Hyung entered the room.

"Gather up. We have a meeting with Bang Sihyuk-nim." He said it very serious that made me feel uncomfortable. Tae snatched the phone out of my hand and gave it to Yoongi-Hyung. He gave me a last look. His face showed different emotions. Worry. Fear. Shook. Many more I've never seen on him. What did he see on the post that made him so horrified?

✿.。.:* ☆ .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

"Thank you all for coming." Bang Sihyuk-nim said while we bowed and sat down. Namjoon was on his side and looked exhausted. I started to worry. "Now you must be thinking, why are you all here. The reason Namjoon and I called you is that we found a post of a group of two people who posted that want to kill someone of you."

I gasped. "Excuse me? Who posted what?"

took off his glasses and sighed. "A duo called 'The Nightmare' posted on twitter that they were going to kill one of you at one of the following concerts. I'm afraid that I have to say that its you Jimin. You're their target."

I just heard my blood rushing in my ears. Nothing else. Why is this happening again? Why? I grabbed my hair and put my head on my hands. I waited a moment and took a deep breath. Then I felt supportive hands on my shoulders. I looked up and saw Jin-Hyung smiling warmly at him. I swear I love this guy. Even in this moment he can make me smile.

"What are we going to do know, Hyung-nim? We can't just cancel all concerts. That would disappoint our fans." I heard Jungkook ask with a shaky voice. I thought about ARMY they would be really disappointed if we cancel our tour. I looked up and said, "We're going to do the concerts. I'm sure that this is a prank like last time."

"But Jimin we don't know if its true or not and we can't take the risk." Tae said beside me. He looked scared and insecure about the whole thing. I shook his head and told him, "I don't care Taehyung-ah. I don't want to make ARMY sad and cancel everything they've been waiting for their whole life. And I want to perform. We are not canceling anything." I said sternly.

Sihyuk-nim looked at me and then at the others. "Alright. But we'll have to hire more security guys just for the case." I nodded.

After the meeting Taehyung ran up to me. "Jimin-ah, are you sure you want to do the concert even if someone threatened to kill you?"

I rolled my eyes and said to him, "Tae, stop worrying. I'm sure and we're doing the tour. Or do you want to disappoint ARMY?" I looked at him. His eyes widened and cried out, "Nooo, absolutely not but-" I cut him off.

"There you go. Stop talking now I'm tired." I snapped annoyed. I started to walk but I stopped when I realized what I said. I turned around with wide eyes. "No. I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean to shut you up. Just to stop you worrying. Okay?" But he just looked at me with a serious look.

"You know Jimin, if something happens to you I would never forgive myself. Remember what I said. I'm scared for you. I'm scared that I might lose you. I hope I don't. Because I can't imagine my life without you. You hear that? I can't." he was tearing up by now. "And if you're not even caring for your life then I am going to. I know this sounds too absurd, but I would rather die then live without you. I'm sorry but its true." I looked at him with shook. His tears rolled silently down his cheeks. I never liked seeing Taehyung cry. Heck, he cried less than Hobi-Hyung and he was supposed to be the Hope of the group.

"Taehyung-ah,-" he didn't let me finish.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I can't talk right now." He said wiping his tears away furiously before walking to his room.

Maybe if I had listened to him more and paid attention to how much I mean to him, maybe this wouldn't had happened. Maybe he would be still here with me. He would be smiling and laughing and joking and doing pranks with me. But I was too selfish and wasn't thinking how the imagine of me being dead would have affected people around me. And now I had to pay the prize for it.

'Taehyung please come back.'

hello beautiful!
I FINALLY UPATED!! I AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO LONG! I had to think through the story and the updates. I'm sure you're all thinking now like 'You don't update for 3 months or so and post tHiS sHIt heRe!?' yeah I know. 'M sorry. Please forgive me!! I want to make short chapters to make it seem more interesting if you know what I mean.
I hope you like it so far and I'll see you on the next update! I love you.

your hoe angelA

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