둘 - 𝕥𝕨𝕠

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𝒿𝓊𝓃ℊ𝓀ℴℴ𝓀'𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

We were practicing for our next concert and we were exhausted. Everyone was breathing heavily and everyone was sweating like crazy.

We finally stopped dancing and had a short break. Everyone rushed to the water bottles. I was laying on the floor since my legs just gave up when the music stopped. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing equally. When I opened my eyes I saw Jin-Hyung standing above me.

"What?" I asked. But it didn't sound rude at all. Believe me.

My Hyung just smirked and the next thing I knew was that water splashed my face. All the water came into my nose and mouth and eyes. What had happened?

I heard laughter around me and the loudest one was from Jin-Hyung.

"What did you do?" I cried out.

"Oh my god, my stomach hurts hahahahaha! I just saved you, you ungrateful brat." Jin-Hyung was now on the floor laughing even more. Everyone else was laughing to but not the hard as Jin-Hyung, Jimin-Hyung and Hobi-Hyung.

"By splashing water in my face?"

"Y-yeah. You nearly looked dead lying there so I gave you something to drink. Oh my god that was hilarious." he said breathlessly.

I just rolled my eyes and took the towel on of the staff was giving to me. "Thank you." I muttered.

Everyone calmed down and started to get ready to go home. Time passed and we all sat into our van. With earphones in my ears I forgot all of my worries and thoughts. I was listening to John Legend's 'All of Me'. I must have turned the volume full because TaeTae-Hyung took one of my earphones and put it into his ear.

"Since when are you listening to John Legend?" he asked me with his deep voice. Even after a long hard practice he looked handsome as ever.

"I dunno. Just started listening to him. It came on shuffle." I shrugged. Tae-Hyung nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. Soon sleep took over me. 

✿.。.:* ☆  .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

𝒿𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓃'𝓈 𝓅ℴ𝓋

I guess Tae was still angry at me because he wasn't sitting beside me in the van. I had to forgive him. But I didn't know how and when. In the car with everyone else wasn't a really good chance. Maybe when we get home and I'll be alone with him.

Some time had passed when the car stopped and we got out. As soon as we entered the dorm Jungkook screamed from top of his lungs scaring us all - except Yoongi-Hyung - "I'M THE FIRST ONE TO SHOWER!"

At that I had to disagree. "No you're not let the elders first Jungkook-ah!"

Jin-Hyung had to get involved because he didn't even bother to argue with us before he ran to the bathroom and closed it afterwards. "Have fun waiting!"

And so our evening went by with everyone waiting in line to get into the shower. After Jin-Hyung went the whole Hyung-line and after Namjoon-Hyung finished I sprinted before Jungkook into the bathroom.

When I finished Jungkook kept banging on the door like a maniac. "What?!" I screamed out.

"Get out I can't take it anymore! I'm sweaty like never before!"

The thing was I was finished. Fully dressed and hair dry. But I didn't let Jungkook in. Like they say, 'Karma is a bitch'. Well the brat should learn his lesson. That's why I sat on the bath edge and crossed my legs. Jungkook kept whining like a baby. "I'm almost finished!" I lied.

"Hurry! TaeTae-Hyung is still here waiting!"

Taehyung. "He didn't shower yet?" I asked.

"No. That's why you gotta let me in so I can finish faster than you!"

"Yeah I'm coming out." I said annoyed. I opened the door and a sweaty bunny almost knocked me unconscious while running in the bathroom with full speed. "Don't be to long in the shower." I said as he closed the door.

Turning around I saw Tae sitting on a chair in the living room. He stared blankly on the floor. And maybe I was imagining it but Tae looked slightly pale.

"Tae?" Fuck, my voice broke. Taehyung flinched slightly and stared at me. Gosh, how I loved his big innocent eyes when he looked confused or scared. "What are you doing?"

"What me? Nothing. Just thinking a little." he smiled a bit. But that smile didn't reach his eyes. That worried me.

"Tae. Listen. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for acting like this the other day. I didn't think about me and thank you for caring for me. I too couldn't imagine a life without you. Do you forgive me?" He looked at me and then stood up. I thought he was gonna walk away but instead he came up to me and hugged me.

"Of course I forgive you. Did you think I would be angry at my soulmate?" I chuckled. Really, Tae and me were always been called each others soulmates and I didn't have anything against it. Even ARMY called us like that.

"Thank you TaeTae. Now get off me you're all sweaty." I jokily pushed me off me. He giggled and took his stuff and went to the bathroom since Jungkook was already out.

After Tae forgave me and there wasn't anything between us anymore I immediately felt better. I smiled and joked with Tae and Kookie the whole evening till dinner. Even during dinner my stomach couldn't stop hurting from the whole laughter. After dinner we all prepared for a movie night. We had a choice from two movies. 'Frozen' and 'Rings'. Since we had two cowards in our band we had to watch 'Frozen'. Kookie and Jin-Hyung enjoyed it the most. Taehyung was silently watching and sometimes he even enjoyed it as Kookie and Jin-Hyung. Yoongi-Hyung fell asleep before the movie even began. Namjoon-Hyung was looking at his phone and he too feel asleep at the scene when Elsa ran away. Hobi-Hyung was eating the whole popcorn with me from excitement.

Fully I enjoyed the evening a lot. After the movie finished we all went to sleep. I couldn't sleep so I watched a kdrama on my phone.

Soon I fell asleep with Taehyung on my thought. I thought about his words and the next concert. I was a little bit scared for myself but more scared for ARMY and my members. I just hoped and prayed that this all was a prank like last time.

Because now I couldn't leave everyone when I mean to them so much.

That's all I thought days before the concert. And still it didn't help. Maybe if I prayed and hoped harder and more maybe Taehyung would be here with us and everything would be like before. But no. Everything's my fault now.

'TaeTae, please get better. I need you. Please.'

hello beautiful!
i hope you enjoyed and liked it. take care and see you soon with a new chapter. I love you.

your hoe angelA

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