Yoongi - Sexy

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A/N : At this point, I am just gonna say that in some of the future updates, it's gonna contain a dash of nsfw 😉💞

Emphasis on the word 'some' .

Anyways, I hope you enjoy my loves ❤❤

    {Gender neutral reader}


              Yoongi wasn't expecting to see you dancing when he entered Seokjin's apartment. And he definitely wasn't expecting to see you dancing in shorts and a sleeveless crop top.

Yoongi had dropped by Seokjin's place to drop off his English notes and eat his food, talk with him and then be on his way home. But he also wanted to see you. You with your cherubic cheeks, your soft giggles, your warm hugs, your loud laughs and your round soft hands which he loved to hold.

But something far more graceful greeted his eyes the moment he opened the door.

You were dancing without a care in the world. Earphones plugged in, moving your soft wide hips side to side and with giggles and laughter bubbling out your lips at the silly moves. Your thick thighs jiggled adorably and Yoongi's focus went straight to them. Well, so was your round tummy and cute butt, and Yoongi couldn't help but lick his lips at the heavenly sight.

You looked so damn sexy, in your attire and Yoongi involuntarily gawked at your plush figure and felt his mouth go dry at the scene in front of him.

The image of your soft angelic figure moving your body like that, was seared into his brain forever and most likely, he will definitely be dreaming about this more than often whenever he slept. But hey, he is not gonna complain because damn you looked so delicious and so sensual. Yoongi thought you were the most sexiest person, at that moment.

Yoongi quietly took out the notes and kept them on the table without leaving his gaze from you. His entire body flushed when you started moving your cute butt side to side and he looked away. Feeling thirsty, he opened the fridge, took a bottle of cool water and began drinking like his life depended on it.

His cheeks were so red, he could feel how hot he was and it was not from fever. His gaze still went towards your round supple body moving so sensually and energetically.

He held the cool water bottle to his face to reduce his red hue but how could it happen when he was thinking of not so PG scenarios after seeing you dance like that.

Running his big veiny hand over his face, he proceeded to drink water again, trying not to choke at the moves your chubby self was executing.

The music had stopped blaring in your earphones after a few seconds. Taking it off with your round hands, you turned around only to be met with the sight of Yoongi drinking water so fast you thought that he didn't drink water for at least a few days.

Your eyes widened and you blushed, a loud gasp escaping your mouth.

"Yoongi, wh-what are you doing here ?"

Yoongi felt a bit stuck and he could feel his throat becoming dry again, even though he just drank a full bottle of water. Clearing his throat after gulping, he looked into the fridge, trying not to look at your flushed face because God, you looked so cute and he was trying not to remember the sensual moves that you did just moments before.

"I ca-came to drop by Jin's n-notes and ta-talk with him", he closed his eyes and sighed as he tried not to think of how your thick soft thighs jiggled when you danced.

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