Chapter 1 a new path

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Shinji Ikari was broken, He failed to his friend Kaworu, right now the EVA 13 is falling. The only thought that Shinji had was to have another chance to be better, to redeem himself. Without even noticing a bright light appear behind him. Outside the Evangelion has fully shutdown and gates of the sea of Dirac have fully close, EVA 08 piloted by Mari sees a bright light entering a portal, but she sworn that light had the shape of a giant wearing a cape.


???:"Shinji.... Shinji"

Shinji Ikari begins to open his eyes, and he sees he is in a crystal room and in front of him are two giants.

Shinji Ikari begins to open his eyes, and he sees he is in a crystal room and in front of him are two giants

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Shinji was shocked to see two giants in front of him, it was something from a tokusatsu

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Shinji was shocked to see two giants in front of him, it was something from a tokusatsu.

???:"Don't worry we don't mean any harm"

Shinji:"Who are you two?"

The first giant responded.

???:"I am Ultraman king and this is Ultraseven, we have been watching you for a long time"

Ultraseven:"Your heart might be in despair, but there is still light within you, that why we have chosen you"

Shinji:"Chosen for what?"

U. King:"There is another Earth, in another universe in danger by unknown creatures know as the noise, we want you to protect that world but also it is for you to heal"

Shinji was surprised these giants wanted to help him heal of the wounds of being betray by his guardian and his friend. Then a orb of light appears in front of him and it reveals a visor.

Ultraseven:"Those are the ultra eyes, this device will allow you to fight the noise and you will use my power with it"

U. King:"Now what will you chose?"

Shinji looks at the ultra eyes floating in front of him. He thought back that as an eva pilot brings nothing but despair, but with this new power and new world he could actually change himself. Shinji looks at the two ultras.

Shinji:"Yes, I will protect this new world"

He takes the ultra eyes and he puts them own and in a flash of light he has transformed into an armoured version of Ultraseven.

He takes the ultra eyes and he puts them own and in a flash of light he has transformed into an armoured version of Ultraseven

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Shinji looks at him self, surprised that he has transformed into Ultraseven. Then a portal open up behind him.

U. King:"Go, Ultraseven be the protector of this Earth"

Ultraseven:"Use my power wisely"

Shinji:"I will and thank you, Ultraman king and Ultraseven"

Thruster behind Shinji's shoulder ignite and he flies towards the portal and he enters it.

In another universe

In space, above Earth's orbit a portal opens and we see Shinji in his Ultra suit flying towards the Earth disguise as a comet. When he enters the atmosphere he heads towards the ground and he lands. Shinji sees the green grass, a colour that he haven't seen since the third impact. Shinji puts his arm together and he makes a strong pose making his suit disappear leaving behind the ultra eyes on Shinji takes them off and he sees that he is back to casual clothing that he had. He grabs a backpack that ultras gave him with supplies and he heads towards the city, ready to begin his journey.

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