"Hey. Wait. Hold on. I need. To. Catch my. Breath."
He starts panting heavily. I directed him to a bench and we sat down. When he calmed down, I asked him.
"What're you doing here-"
"Are you okay?"
I look at him confused.
"When you return from the toilet. You looked... not okay. So... are you okay?"
"Oh no... I'm okay..."
"You sure cause- why are your- did you scrape your knees?!"
I look down at my knees. Oh shit... in the bathroom Jihye pushed me and I scraped my knees. I was too upset to the point I didn't notice.
"Ah. It's no biggie I can just suck it up-"
"Will you be okay going home like that? Doesn't it hurt?"
I kept quiet and look at him.
This is why I like you Junkyu. You're so sweet to the point I hate the fact you like someone else.
"I'm okay! It's normal for me! See!"
I tried to jump but almost lost my balance. He managed to hold my shoulder in time before I fall.
"Y/n... I'll bring you home."
"There's no need-"
"Too bad. Let's go,"
Junkyu walked me all the way home and I was quiet. So quiet.
No way is this happening right now? Is Kim Junkyu the most Kindest, sweetest, smart and visual boy in the school taking me home?! Is this god's way of rewarding me for my hard work?
When we reached home, I waved goodbye to him. But then he stopped me.
"Hey... Y/n. If there's anything you wanna talk about... remember I'm here okay?"
I nodded. That was strange yet romantic. How cute.
Kyutie 🐨
Me I saw you walking home with Y/n Me Awww Me Do u like her??? Me And not me :'-(
Kyutie 🐨 She has a Boyfriend Kyutie 🐨 She scrapped her knees... do you know what happened?
Me I do but Y/n wouldn't want me to tell anyone
Kyutie 🐨 Why? Was it embarrassing?
Me I Wouldn't say it's embarrassing. Message Deleted! Me Yeah... Me But anyways, Y/n is like my Sister. Me Thanks for taking her home
Kyutie 🐨 No problem Kyutie 🐨 And... uhh... she looked kind of mad/sad when she suddenly left the library... Kyutie 🐨 Do you know what happened?
Me Its nothing Me Don't think about it. Me Ummm let's talk about something else!
Kyutie 🐨 Tell me 3 things I don't know about you
Me Wut... Noooo
Kyutie 🐨 Well we're not gonna stay like this forever right? Kyutie 🐨 Let's get to know each other
Me Hmm... okay Me (1) I like art and flowers Me (2) I got your number from someone you know.
Kyutie🐨 WHO WAS IT
Me Secret~ Me And finally
Kyutie 🐨 Finally?
Me (3) My last name is Park and we've met before
Kyutie 🐨 Omg Kyutie 🐨 No way don't tell me
Oh no... oh no... did I reveal too much? There's a lot of park in our level...
Kyutie 🐨 I know who you are
Me YOU DO?! Me What how?!
Kyutie 🐨 We've met before Kyutie 🐨 You're always making me smile Kyutie 🐨 You come to school early regularly to put things in my locker... Kyutie 🐨 You like art and flowers.
Oh no...
Kyutie 🐨 And you have a tote bag that says 'art is magic' and you smell like flowers.
Wait... but then that isn't-
Kyutie 🐨 You're Park Jihye aren't you?
Author's Note:
Thanks for 2k reads :D
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