14. hood princess

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Keith's POV

I shut my locker shut as I shrugged my backpack on my shoulder.

Passing by the principal's office, a white school cop gave me the look he'd given me all year. That weird smile white people always give black folks. C'mon y'all know what I'm talking about.

(^😐 with those pursed lips lmfao)

Rolling my eyes at him, I continued walking to class. I opened the door the see a classroom full of kids.

Shit, I must've been a little late to class, but early enough before the bell rang. Some nerd kid took my seat in the front, knowing it was my seat since I sat in it everyday. But I didn't trip, with those small ass glasses he was wearing, he probably needed that seat more than I did.

The only seat that was left was next to a girl, named Y/N. According to my boys, she's one of the finest girls in school. But she didn't talk much, wasn't seen with many people, and didn't associate with drama or be bothered with anything most girls here would be in.

I guess you could say she was a 'lowkey girl'. Most of the time I'd have a lot of confidence and finesse when it came to girls, but when I was around her, I'm a completely different person, I was always nervous as hell around her.

She was incredibly smart, so smart you swear she should've skipped a couple of grades. She also had looks. She certainly didn't dress like she lived in Compton. Kids at this school weren't pampered or had shit tons of money, but she dressed like a girl from Los Angeles.

Not saying she wore the best and finest clothing, she just kept herself together nicely. Ironed and freshly washed clothing, unlike half of the school. Always washed and put together hair, clean and smooth looking skin. For someone going here, she definitely had something going for herself.

As I walked next to her, she looked up at me and smiled. I returned the favor and sat next to her at the table. I figured today would be the day I talked to her, after months of looking at her from a distance.

Once the school bell rang, Mr. Johnson gave us our assignment.

"Alright class, settle down. Today's assignment is book work. Pages 144-5. All you have to do is answer the 15 questions that we learnt from yesterday's lesson. If you don't finish, take the books home and finish the work for homework. If you finish in class, turn it in on my desk. If I find a single book missing tomorrow, get ready for a living hell. Alright, get to work class."

After he discussed what to do today, he walked out of the class, probably going to get another cup of coffee from the teacher's lounge, or to flirt with the other female teachers.

I got my things out of my bag, getting the textbook from the middle of the table. I pulled out a pencil and a piece of paper out of my backpack and sat the bag back on the floor.

As I began my work, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned in Y/N's direction, "Yea- um. Wassup?"

She giggled at my nervousness.

God her laugh is so cute.

"I was wondering if you had an extra piece of paper? I ran out."

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