Possessive How Much

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It seemed like that day just wasn't Taehyung's day.

First of all, he overslept because his ass of a husband thought it'll be great to turn off the clock and let Taehyung have his sweet dreams. Well, Taehyung couldn't be really angry at him. The poor boy just wanted to take care of his husband. But his kind action ended up in Taehyung arriving very late to a very important meeting of his.

Not to mention that some dumb rich kid had hit his car later when he was behind the red light.

Taehyung was already stressed over the whole being late thing and the accident was just a cherry on top.

The moment his car moved forward from the crash, Taehyung lost it. "The fuck-"
He looked at his rear view only to catch a girl's head pop up from the driver's side while the boy behind the wheel frantically grabbed some tissues to wipe his... lap.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Getting a head while- UGH!" Taehyung banged his hands on the wheel. He glanced at the traffic light seeing the numbers counting down, reaching their end. 22, 21, 20...
"Fuck It, I'm already late." So he roughly pushed the door open and took angry steps to the back of his car to check the damage. Luckily there was only a small scratch and nothing too serious, but he knew that even that small scratch cost a lot. It was an AstonMartin after all. And in a very rare pearl color, must add.
Since it was a gift from his husband, the car meant so much to him and he only used it when he wanted to impress. And today he needed to impress the host of the meeting whom he heard was a sucker for beautiful cars. But this just had to happen.

Taehyung glared at the pale boy in the other car and titled his head, motioning him to get out. The girl on the passenger seat was hurriedly buttoning up her shirt. Fucking hormonals...

Taehyung waited with folded arms and a tapping foot as the boy was trying to drag as much time to just get out of his car.

He looked young, maybe in his early twenties or even younger, eighteen or so. His hair was gelled to one side and his Dior sunglasses were resting over them. Taehyung also noticed the Rolex watch on the boy's wrist as his Lacoste shirt was rolled all the way up. His sneakers looked expensive, too. All in all the boy looked rich aside from the car he was driving. Maybe a spoiled brat, but he didn't look like one when he had hit Taehyung's car. Perhaps, he knew all too well how much it was going to cost him. Or he was just too young and it was his first accident or... He simply stole his dad's.

"If you can't control a fucking piece of meet down there, why the hell did you think you could control a damn car?!!" Taehyung shot at the boy the moment he was out and closed his door.

Taehyung could just go to the meeting and leave the boy there, he could pay for the painting himself. But he wanted the boy to do it and learn a good lesson of not fucking around while driving.
From the looks of it, the young driver's family was rich enough to write a check immediately and wrap the whole thing up, but Taehyung wanted the boy to suffer a little. Maybe a small punishment. Just so he wouldn't forget this.

From Taehyung's straight words, the boy's face heated up and he stuttered out. "I-I... I didn't... I-I'm so s-sorry-"

Taehyung put his hand up to silence the other. "Listen, I am on my way to this very important meeting and your dumb ass just had to crash to my car. So, it's either we wait for the police," Taehyung saw the boy visibly shivered at the mention of the cops. "And wrap things up legally. Or, since I'm late and don't have time for some snail cops, you give me your number and we can fix it later in my way."

The boy's posture seemed more relaxed once he heard the rest of it. The young driver eagerly nodded as he took his phone out.
Once it was unlocked, Taehyung grabbed the boy's phone and entered his number before calling his own phone. After saving the younger's number in his contacts, Siwon was his name, he removed his own number from Simon's phone then gave it back to him. In case the younger saved it and put him in the block list.

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