I'm Horny now

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Jimin's jaw dropped, he didn't want to think anything of the scene. It couldn't be possibly that, right? Curiously, Jimin peeked a look at his friend, to see his once tanned skin was now pale.

There, on the couch of their living room, was seating a woman in only Jungkook's shirt - which was too big for her- and a blanket over her naked legs. Her eyes fixed on a drama on the massive TV in front of her while she seeped from whatever was in the mug.

Just when Jimin was about to come up with some shits to calm his friend down, Jungkook came out of the corridor in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants and some folded clothes in hand, who also stopped dead in his track upon seeing them. Finally, the woman seemed to notice her surroundings - only Jungkook's presence - as she put her mug down and stood up, the blanket fell down from the action. "Oh, Jungkook-shi! Thank you so much!" She said cheerily and grabbed the pile from his hands. Are they hers?  Jimin wondered.

Just then a small velvet box hit the wall, exactly where Jungkook's head was seconds ago, but the ravenette managed to dodge it in time. The girl though, had to thank whoever created her this small and short, or else it would be her head with a crack instead of the wall. 

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Taehyung was about to throw another object from the shopping bag when Jimin finally did something useful and stopped him. 

"Wowowo! Easy Tae!" Jimin took the Calvin Klein perfume pocket from the brunette's hands and put them down with the shopping bag. That damn thing was expensive!

"You cheater asshole! Was that why you came home late?" Taehyung was fuming with anger and his eyes were glossy with tears of the same reason.

Jungkook who's been protecting his head with his hands until now asked with a shock and confused expression. "What? What cheating?" Then side eyed Jimin who was indirectly pointing at the half-naked woman beside him, who looked confused and shocked as hell.
One glance at the woman and his surroundings seemed to finally make Jungkook realize what his husband was referring to, as he hurried to answer. "No! Nonono! Tae! I swear it's not what you think! I-"

"I don't fucking care! Ugh, I hate you so much right now! Like so so MUCH!" Taehyung half yelled. Then kicked the nearest thing, which happened to be an accent tall table holding a vase. Making them fall with a loud shattering sound. "Fuck!" Taehyung knew he had to hear out the ravenette and he knew it was highly a misunderstanding and Jungkook would never cheat on him, even if he did he would never bring the chick to their home! Taehyung knew he was acting so stupid and insensible right then, but he could care less. Because at that moment, his mind was filled with the image of an unknown girl on his couch, all the shits the media was throwing at them, the frustration of not being with his love for three weeks, the hurtful words Jungkook had said back at the company and how he fired him so easily and told him to leave... He had told him to leave... Maybe everything had ended back then in his office...?  Maybe, he was serious... If he really meant them, then Taehyung shouldn't be mad when he was with someone else... Jungkook no longer wanted him. But what about all those times they- "Ugh! Fuck you Jeon Jungkook!!"

All Taehyung wanted to do was give a hard punch to his husband for messing with his mind this bad. So he went up to Jungkook with long, angry steps and threw his fist up, ready to deliver a hard one to his cute face. Taehyung heard the ugly petite girl gasp beside them, and saw Jungkook again cover his face in protection. pussy.

Less than a second later Jungkook's screech filled the room as he hunched down, covering his torso. Instead of a punch, Taehyung pinched and twisted Jungkook's sensitive buds roughly. Then stormed off to the stairs, to his bedroom.

His mind was a mess and he didn't like that. He was acting ridiculous and appearing very low class in front of that girl. He shouldn't care what she thought but he somehow did.
He was always a collected person and never understood why would some people act like a firecracker when they were angry. Even now that he was behaving just like them, he still didn't understand himself. Maybe he just needed a warm shower to calm his nerves.

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