Storytime Snooze

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By: komaedas
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Hinata: Hey Komaeda! *waves* Mind if I sit with you?

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Hinata: Hey Komaeda! *waves* Mind if I sit with you?

Komaeda: Y-You want to sit with me?

Hinata: well... yeah.

Komaeda: *smiles* O-Of course you can!

Hinata: *sits next to Komaeda* what are you reading?

Komaeda: oh this? *gestures to book* well, it's about a boy who lost his two best friends, and he goes to different worlds with two more people he met to try and find them. One of his friends was found but he was controlled by some dark force. And the other one was found with her soul missing. However, the boy is the wielder of a powerful source of light and hope. So he's doing everything in his power to bring his two friends back. (If you know what this is, I love you!!!)

Hinata: woah, that sounds pretty intense. You liking it?

Komaeda: yeah, plus Sora totally has feelings for Riku. I'm calling it now.

Hinata: *blushes* D-Do you mind reading a bit to me?

Komaeda: Ah! You have an interest in it? I would love to read to you! *flips open book and starts to read*

*About 10 minutes later*

Hinata: *eyes close and falls onto Komaeda's shoulder*

Komaeda: E-EH?!! H-Hinata-Kun!

Hinata: *asleep; gently breaths through mouth*

Komaeda: *blushes* mmmm... well.... I guess... I can let him sleep for a while... n-not that I mind or anything.

Hinata: ...

Komaeda: *raises hand reluctantly; then strokes Hinata's hair*

Hinata: *soft moan* K-K..... Komaeda

Komaeda: *retracts hand* Eh?! Did he... just say what I thought he did? T-There's no way... he said my name in his sleep!

Hinata: *nuzzles in to Komaeda* N-Nagito

Komaeda: *face fully red* M-My first name!? He... He actually said it? But why would he-

Hinata: *Wakes up and Kisses Komaeda* Hehe you should know why.

Komaeda: Hinata!? Y-Y-You kissed me!

Hinata: yup *smiles*

Komaeda: But why would you do that?!

Hinata: *sighs* I already told you, didn't I? You should already know.

Komaeda: B-But I don't!

Hinata: You need me to spell it out for you!? *puffs cheeks* it's because I love you, you idiot!

Komaeda: *gasp* Y-You love me?!

Hinata: More that anything *smiles softly*

Komaeda: *tears up and hugs Hinata* M-Me too! I-I love you too!

Hinata: hehe, I've always thought of how to confess to you. But every plan was either too extravagant, or too little. I think this was a good in between.

Komaeda: It was perfect. *smiles brightly* I loved it.

Hinata: I'm so glad you're happy. May I... kiss you again.

Komaeda: Of course you can. You can do it again and again and again.

Hinata and Komaeda: *Kiss each other deeply*

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