Chapter 5

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    It's been a week since the squabble between Parrino and I, I told Giselle about it when we were out shopping and she told her mum who told Mr Costello who got mad and demanded that I move into Parrino's room. So now... I'm kinda like his roommate, he sleeps facing the other direction.
His bed is so comfortable, a canopy California king sized bed, his room was classy looking like a mini home, gold and black design, he had a refrigerator that contains rich fine ass wines, champagnes, snacks and all sorts of goodies, two walk in closets, a mini living room he turned to a game room, where he spends most of his time when I'm in the room except he goes out with his real lover.
I've gone to see mine three times last week.
Taking a sip of my Disappearing Cotton Candy a champagne drink i had learned to make thanks to a lot of tv time, I jotted things to use for my class presentation tomorrow.
    I laughed at my best friend twerking to a dancehall song, I've been Skyping her since I got my MacBook Air. I'm even using the same phone as the Costellos now. Everyone in school know I love with the Costellos and Sophia had made sure to spread it that I'm a poor lady married off to the rich while my parents get paid. Matteo had reported to Mr Costello who got so furious he hit Parrino hard across the face with a magazine. Mrs Costello the First said to me "if he does anything stupid, hit him hard across the face and show him your culture! Never be disrespected no matter what!"
"Where's your marito?" Yemisi said in a very bad imitation of the Italian accent. We both laughed, yesterday during a call, Mrs Costello the second had come in to ask me where my 'marito' is, which means husband.
"In my tight warm pussy!" i joked, sticking out my tongue. I threw my head back laughing at my own bad joke, then I saw Parrino staring at me amused with a bottle of water in his hand, how long has he been there? He hasn't said a word to me in forever, so when he joined in on my FaceTime I was taken aback. Yemisi froze, this was the first time she would really see him and not his photo. He didn't say a word he just stared and took my fucking drink.
"Hi there our morito." Yemisi greeted malice lacing her tone.
"Marito" he corrected his accent slipping through.
Yemi nodded and I took my drink from Parrino's hand.
"Mio moglie would call you back" he said to her ending the call. He just referred to me as his wife?
"How rude" I stared sipping my champagne and staring into thin air.
"I'm sorry I humiliated you, no matter the way we were bound together, you are going to be my wife and mother of my kids and I should respect you and I failed at that and that makes me a disappointment. I love Sophia and I wanted her to feel safe but I didn't know she'd go telling people. I'm sorry I failed you. "  he apologized looking me in the eyes, I rested my forehead on his and let the tear fall.
"I forgive you, thank you."
He placed a light kiss on my lips. I was gobsmacked, this is the first time, boy were his lips soft. I leaned in for more, I'm sorry but I'm tipsy and a bit horny, I miss making out. Parrino delivered what I craved, I placed the champagne flute on the bedside table, he kissed me slowly, slipping his hand through my oversized shirt, he took my breast in his hand and tweaked my hard nipple, I let out a satisfied moan, deepening the kiss, in a swift motion, he pulled below him and kissed my neck, placing half his body weight on me. Pushing my panties to the side, he  stuck a finger in my wet pussy, working my clit with his thumb.
"Parrino Acqua Costello!!!" Arabella yelled down the hall heading to our room I guess. I released my hold on his hair.
"Shit!" He cursed as he pulled away, sticking the finger in his mouth he went to see what his sister wanted I guess not looking back at me. What the duck just happened ? Damn! That was sexy though. I rushed to the bathroom to finish the work, cleaned myself up.
       Timmy broke up with me this morning, Madeline let me cry on her shoulder, I didn't even care people were staring and I was missing classes, I love Timmy. I smelt mio marito before I saw him. Madeline hurried away, she was scared of the Costellos. They were trouble and Parrino didn't like my friends.
"What's up la moglie ? Why are you crying? " he asked me with sincere concern, he also looked furious.
I hugged him and wailed. This was the closest we've been since two days ago after we went all sexual. We both didn't speak on it or do anything after since then.
"T-Ti-mmy bro-ke up wi-i-th me" I sobbed, gripping his shirt. He stroked my hair and whispered soothing words in his language, which amusingly worked a bit.
"It was bound to happen moglie... you belong to me. Let him go." He whispered. I nodded, sniffing. He gave me a hanky to blow my nose.
"You skipped classes because of him, cried on the staircase because of him? Because of a hood guy? You must really love him but mio caro... you are now a Costello. Davina Costello." He cooed the last part not in a friendly manner but in a manner that says let that sink in.
"I haven't gotten a ring." I joked, sniffing. He laughed and ruffled my white hair. Yes you heard right, Giselle took me to go dye my hair to her family's inherited white hair. I mentioned that I was stealing culture and she said no, I'm becoming a Costello.
People were coming out of their classes, whispering, taking pictures, staring. I spotted Smith head my way not caring that Parrino was seated beside me.
"What's up beautiful?" He asked as he approached.
For the first time I felt the radiation of anger off a person.
"Cat got your tongue mon chérie?" Smith continued and made to touch my face, his hand didn't make it as Parrino grabbed it mid air and shoved Smith, he got up and shoved him again, Smith shoved Parrino which earned him an uppercut punch, he staggered backwards, Parrino grabbed Smith's shirt and slammed him against the wall.
"Stupid boy! You disrespect me?! Talk to my wife? Touch my wife?! In my presence?! Uhn?!" He asked throwing another punch. Smith punched Parrino. I was lost, I wasn't sure how to break this kind of fight, I normally stayed out of it in the hood. I didn't know these rich kids could throw hard punches. Out of the blue, Matteo ran into the scene and kicked Smith's side, making Smith drop to the ground. The brothers did a weird handshake and then started hitting Smith. No one was doing anything. Sophia charged at me, pushed me to the ground and smacked my face repeatedly, I tried to block the attack, someone pulled her off me, turned out to be Matteo.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Parrino yelled at her.
"You love me! Why are you fighting because of her?! You don't even love her! You should be married to me! Me Parrino!!" She cries stomping her feet. I got up from the ground, dusting my skirt.
Parrino picked up my bag and took my hand.
"Never! Sophia never in your life should you lay your hands on my wife again! She is a Costello, you disrespect her, you disrespect my family." He sneered. For the first time in my life, I felt like a Princess.
Phones were still up as we walked away from the scene, Matteo and Arabella behind us.
"Dakota tell the Principal we had to leave early. We'll settle this on Monday." Parrino called out to the Principal's Secretary who had appeared at the scene.  We got in Arabella's Range Rover.
"I guess you are now an official Costello? Parrino has accepted you publicly" Arabella said staring at me from the rear view. I didn't respond, I was still a bit shook, Marito's head was on my shoulder, I stroked his face.
"Smith is just a friend, mio marito. Why did you fight him?" I asked.
"He cannot be your friend! Don't make  me mad Davina!" He replied curtly.
"Whoo! We are trending on instagram." Matteo hollered.
"Shut up fool!" Parrino replies kicking his brother's chair.
I kissed Parrino's head remembering how he stood up for me with Sophia.
"You and your girl gon' be cool?" I asked.
Matteo turned to look at Parrino, Arabella stared from the rear view mirror.
"Yeah. She loves me, we gon be good." He replied.
"Second wife stamped!!" Matteo hollered sticking his hand out of the window.
I lost Timmy today and got fully welcomed to the Costello family

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