Chapter 1

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I stared at my réflexion in the mirror, not sure if I liked what I saw, I mean I'm not ugly but I'm not that pretty either, or maybe I'm just broke, not from a wealthy home, my dad working three jobs and my mum working two. The dullness of my brown skin made my eyes appear more fierce than they should, shower of freckles on my cheeks, I've used different cheap skin care trying to get rid of them. But I guess I have to deal with it now. What to do today?
I have no idea, probably make beats with my system or play dress up or something. Uh... I could call Yemisi, maybe I can hang out on hers.
"Devina! Devina!!" thé woman who birthed me called out for me from the bottom of the stairs like always. I don't live in a big house, everything is so jam packed and I  have to help my parents out a lot in the house since they are hardly around, when they are they are usually asleep.
Don't get me wrong, I could help out with getting money and giving them more free time but my father literally banned me from doing so. Says it's their responsibility as parents and if I work, then they'd have failed. I'm not the only child by the way, I have an elder sister and a younger brother. My elder sister, Zendaya moved to New York, I don't really know why though, she said she's trying to work on something to make living better for us, I think she just decided to run away. She hasn't called since she left, mother was sad for days beating herself up, talking about how she failed, my brother Zion lives with grandma four blocks away.
"Yes Mother! Devina's coming!! " I yelled.
Hurrying out of my room and down the stairs, it didn't take long for me to realize we had visitors which fazed me because we hardly have visitors.
This is really embarrassing, I was barefooted and putting on a one piece jumper and there was a cute white boy in the room with his parents I guess.
"This is my daughter, Devina." My mother introduced hurrying to my side, I waved at the rich looking white family wondering what was going on.
The tall man I assume is the father, extended his right hand, I shook it.
"I'm Daniel Costello, this is my wife Rosita Costello, my son Parrino Acqua Costello, my daughter Arabella Costello, you would meet my other children later." The white man introduced. I didn't know why I would be meeting his other kids and I'm not sure i want to because the ones in my presence weren't giving off friendly vibes they kind of looked scary. These were the scariest people I've ever seen in my life. They literally had white hair, I've never seen people with white hair.
"Nice to meet you." I respond, giving a little wave, "Your eye color is that real?" Mr Costello asked.
Before I could reply my dad beat me to it, "Davina has a mutation issue, her eyes have been grey since her birth. Is that going to be an issue?"
What does he mean by that? How could my eyes' color be an issue to these scary looking white family?
"Not at all." Mr Costello answered.
"Parrino say something to the young lady." Mrs Costello said to her son with a stern yet smiling face.
"Hello Davina, it's nice to meet you ." He said, his accent had an Italian slur, he stared at me with his icy blue eyes, they seemed to be filled with dislike. Maybe he was racist.
I looked away, he suddenly became unattractive to me, I won't associate with people who hate my culture.
"I'd like to go over to Yemisi's mother, can i?" I asked politely
She stared at my father who in return looked at Mr Costello who said "it's fine beautiful, go ahead."
I hurried out of the room.
    Slamming the door shut behind me I slipped to the floor, what is going on?
Why are there rich Italians in my house? Why are my parents acting weird.
I grabbed my phone and texted Yemisi telling her I'd be over in a bit.
I got a text back, she said she wasn't home, she has left for Aunt's place in Brooklyn and won't be back till next week.
I should probably make myself presentable then.

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