Chapter 1: Awakening

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In the orphanage of Sasha Fullmoon for Mamono, we see a strange boy. A boy with a long green scales tail, three toed feet, and green scales forearms with two fingered fingers with short but sharp red claws. He takes a step back, as he's currently being faced by his old caretaker, but she's changed.

 He takes a step back, as he's currently being faced by his old caretaker, but she's changed

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His blood red eyes are filled with uncertainty and fear.

"M-Ms. Sasha? Are you all right?"

"I'm quite fine. Liberated, in fact. Now it's your turn."

The teens eyes widen, before unhesitatingly jumping out of the window. He falls, landing with a loud thud. Only to be surrounded by the other monster girls that he had grown up with. He looks around.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Because, brother, we love more than a brother."

"H-huh? You weren't acting like this this morning. What's up with you?!"

"That would be my involvement in this."

The Deviljho turned to see a white lilim. He instantly paled, and he starts to shake. He takes a step back. You can see a faint red glow on the two lines that stares from his neck and end at the base of his shoulder blades.

"W-Who are you?"

"I will be your new mistress. Call me Druella."

     Every once of color in the Deviljho's skin seems to fade. He starts to shake, but color soon returns. He clenches his two fingered claws. His usual bad temper, which he kept at bay during his stay here. Small, barely noticeable black and red spots exit the the lines on his sides. His eyes glow.

"My Mistress?! No way! I've had way to many encounters with Lilim, and you are no different. Everyone I have ever cared for was turned against me. Why?! I was too powerful!! Here, I thought I would be safe for a bit longer. I was wrong. I'll fight my way out of this like I have before!"

"Dear, you might find that a bit hard."

Several magic blasts from the darkness of the forest. He leaps upwards, but a sudden bolt of magic impacts with his chest. He's sent flying into a tree. He stands up and snarls, black and red energy crackling around him. His muscles bulge and parts of his skin rip, spraying steaming red glowing blood to his sides. His hair starts to rise, before the same energy burst from his cranium, covering most of the upper parts of his face in a dark black and red cloud. His eyes glow through the haze, his pupils not showing.

He stands up and lets out a roar. The monster girls with the most snesirve ears cover them, yelping in pain. He charges through his former friends and pounces on Druella. He clamps down on one of her arms and crushes it. She screams in agony, as his incredibly acidic saliva eats away at her skin. He lifts her up and throws her through several trees.

He charges after her, smashing through the felled trees. He leaps into the air and lands on top of her, making her cough out blood. He snarls, before inhaling, preparing a dragons breath. Only for Druella to raise her left arm and blast him away with wind magic. He falls backwards, before standing back up again and charging at her. But a tail smacks him sending him into a wall.

 But a tail smacks him sending him into a wall

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He growls. He KNEW that woman. Before she was like this. He just a wee toddler, but he remembered her clear as day. The Order had captured him and was planning to use him as a siege engine. So they were cruel. They starved him, hit him. Everything cruel and inhuman. So one day, she was assigned as his guard. She thought of him as just another Deviljho, like the one that had taken her eye, until he held out a little flower, and asked if she wanted it. Her view on him had changed completely. So, one night, she helped him escape.

"Well, well, well. Look who has grown up. It's been years, hasn't it, Totum?"

"Fuck off."

Suddenly, he coughs, spewing a wave of glowing red steaming blood. He stands up, wincing. He picks up a tree with his mouth and swings it at her. But before it can make contact, a wave of black energy erupts between him and the mamono. He jumps back.

"Sileena! What is the meaning of this?!"

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"Sileena! What is the meaning of this?!"

"Your mother has demanded you stop this. She asked you to ASK him to join us, not FORCE him."

"But, Timu said..."

"Yes, I'm aware that your little sister might have bent her orders a bit, but use your brain instead of your lust."

She turns to Savage Deviljho, who just snarls in return. She sighs.

"Come on now. At ease. I am not like this pink skinned whore."


"Plus, you have family waiting."


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