Chapter 3: Dad's Old Outfit

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Totum is peacefully staring into the horizon. He is thinking classic Deviljho thoughts. Such as:

"Is it murder, if it's food?"


"I will not put down the raptor."

"Clifford is too big to fit in my mouth."

"Do we breed with our mouths?"

"Was I laid six feet underground so I would be just as angry as mom?"

"Do I really have a heart of JUSTICE?"


He turns to see his youngest sister bound up to him.

"We found papa's old gear! Would you like to see it?"


He stands up and follows his sister. They pass through the halls, those twisting and turning halls, before finally arriving at a relatively small door, they enter l, and see their mother and sisters crouched in a corner. They turn and smile.

"About time you got here. We wanted you try it."

She picks up an old costume of sorts.

"Woah! This is dads costume?! This is sick! But why so the cap torn in half?"

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"Woah! This is dads costume?! This is sick! But why so the cap torn in half?"

"We don't know. You're father never specified on why it was like that."


Totum slowly slips on the jacket and pants and poses.(pose is the picture above)

"You look just like your father."

His mother smiles sadly, and she picks up another thing. An image. Of their family. Jotaro is smiling slightly as he holds what Totum could only assume was a baby him. His three sisters are all crowded around him, all staring at the baby Totum. His mother is in the background smiling.

"Damn I was a fat baby."

"Yes. You were: but you were a cute baby too."

"Thanks mom. I guess I'll take off dad's costume now."

"No. Don't. I think... he'd want you to keep it."

Totum smirks and hugs his mom.

"I'll take care of it with the best of my ability. Though considering how many people want to pick a fight with me, it's gonna get roughed up."

"Don't worry. According to your dad, it's imbued with a few armament spells that keep it nice and tough. But still, be careful with it."

"Got it. Thanks mom."

Totum waves and heads out of the room. He decides that he might want to take a walk. And take a walk he does. He lazily walks through the castle, casually tipping his hat at passing servants. Despite his prejudice against demon Mamono, wearing his father's suit made him feel at ease. He walks into the Royal Garden, where several Alraune bask in the sun. They give him several cautious glances, but he calmly sits down under the shade of tree and stares up into the sky.

"Dad. If you're somewhere out there in the afterlife, I hope you're doing okay. Mom's doing okay, as are the triplets. Will I ever have the same powers as you did?"

       He ponders for a moment, his tail lazily swinging from side to side. He yawns and stretches, before leaning back against the tree. He sighs deeply, staring at the birds flying overhead, along with the occasional harpy. It's completely peaceful, except for the soft distant moans of copulating mamono, but he ignores that. He snorts a puff of dragon energy as he hears someone approach.

"So you come here showing your bitchy face again? Did I not beat your hard enough last time? Or do I need to kill you to get the message across?"

He stands and growls as dragon energy starts to charge up.

"Maybe. But how about you face ALL of us."

The Fallen Heroines of Lescatie emerge from behind Druella. She snaps her fingers and they all charge. Totum charges as well. And as they leap into the air, a sudden, loud demonic voice roars out one word:



     In a castle far away from Totum, there is a tall, buxom woman. From her head sprouts a strange pommel shaped crest. Her club like forearms have the same shape, but she has a slender, clawed scaly hand tucked away under each pounder.

 Her club like forearms have the same shape, but she has a slender, clawed scaly hand tucked away under each pounder

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(Like this, but add Brachydios bits.)

She smirks as she gently sips from a glass of wine.

"So it seems the son of of my worst enemy has awakened his Stand. Very well. I thinks it's time we go hunt him down. If he survives, he'll be worthy enough to be our husband."

She smirks and turns to the three other monster girls hiding in the shadows, all with red glowing eyes. One resembles a fish and a Wyvern mixed together, the other an ape with big curved horns. The final one had Wyvern like wings, and several pod like shapes grew from her neck.

"Let's go, sisters."

"Wait up you four!"

A very large echidna bursts through the doors, and she stands in the way of the four monster girls. She puts and bends down to frown at them.

"Mother what is it?"

"You're not gonna leave without giving your father and I a goodbye kiss?"

The four wince and glance at one another. She bursts into tears.

"I never knew I raised my kids to be such heartless monsters!"

     The four girls sweat drop and crowd around their mother, hugging her and calming her down. They give her a goodbye kiss, before they slink off and give a kiss goodbye to a man sitting in a chair drawing. He waves at the girls as they leave the castle. They sigh exasperatedly and slouching down a bit, before standing up straight and pointing into the horizon.

"Now. Off to hunt for our husband!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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