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Once awake, I set off straight away to the Demon Lord to have her get some architects and builders on the job of building me a school, which would also be my home, and my science department later on. The main building would be the school, which would be a regular sized school, enough for about 200 students. My home would be the attic, divided into different areas to make different rooms. The science division was to be a massive, secretive complex beneath the building. While drawing up the plans, I could help but make it look official, even slightly futuristic. However, the construction would take a couple of years. They would focus on the main building, which would take about 8 months,  and then focus on the underground Science Department.

I looked outside of the window. I seemed to be in a tower. A main tower, perhaps, since I could see no others around me. I decided I wanted a better look, so I went to the attic of the tower, climbed out the window, and sat calmly on the roof. I wasn't a very good climber, but I wasn't bad either. I was right. I was in the main tower. Well, on it, to be pedantic. Around me, the city stretched quite far. The city was bigger than Lescatie. Yet, I sensed that It was quite similar. There seemed to be rings of social classes going down the further away you got from the Center, where I was. About a mile or so outside of the city, I could only just see the construction site of the school and the future lab.

Inside the city, the things that differed were primarily the lack of a port, and the churches. They were all dark. In fact, all the buildings were dark, twisted, and misshapen. They were made out of a dark wood and a dark stone, and the roads were made of dark rocks. The tower I was in seemed to be made out of a mixture of dark wood, and dark, precious rock. A dark granite, perhaps. I digress. The church was a deep purple, and on the front, above the large double doors, was a giant glass eye.

     With nothing else to see outside, I wandered about the castle I was in. I had nothing to do. I was bored. And so, I went to the library to read up on politics and geography, which was what I wanted to do just before the Demon Lord's messenger rudely interrupted me! But I am moving away from the subject at hand once again.

     The library was enormous, and was lined with very, very tall shelves that seemed to stretch on past the horizon. I presumed that magic made the interior of the room larger than it actually was. It was an odd magic, that I supposed was a special magic, and a very powerful one at that. I went to the stool to the side that contained little booklets, each informing you as to the location of the different genres.

     In fact, each group of ten rows was a different genre. In each group of ten rows, there were sub categories of genres. For example, in horror, there would be gruesome horror, existential horror, non-fictional horror, and other such things. Each row was divided into three parts. One part for light readers, otherwise known as occasional readers. Another was  for readers who wanted a book that wasn't too long and wasn't too short. Something that would be a nice book to read in a week or so. The third part would be for readers who loved to get engrossed in a book, and the instant they finish one, they move on to the next. Within each little area of a row was the shelves themselves. Each shelf had their books going from top left to bottom right in alphabetical order. However, each shelf was in order of largest books to smallest books.
It was an odd way to arrange books. One suited to maximise enjoyment of any particular reader. I'd expect no less from a kingdom whose ruler was a succubus.

     I went to the educational group, then to the row labelled "politics". I went to the first group of shelves for light readers, then took out a book that seemed newer than the rest. I hoped it would give me an insight into how things were going for each of the three kingdoms, if I could still call them that, and if they still existed.

     I learnt that the Human Nation was moving in onto the Demon Nation. They were apparently attacking monster villages were trying to completely encircle the nation. The Human Nation was also beginning to intrude on the Living-Dead Nation's territory, purely out of greed and sheer... humanity. However, I knew that the Living-Dead Nation and the Demon Nation had agreed to an alliance, and would be able to help each other to push back the Human Nation.

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