Entry 7: Changes

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As of late, I've been making a few life changing decisions. Here's a few.

I've started a list of ten things that I am going to do before I die. It isn't a bucket list, but more a list of aspirations. So far, I have two. I'm going to hike the Appalachian trail beginning the month after I graduate (hopefully I graduate in December of 2022) and I'm going to backpack across Europe. My limit is ten things for this list, and I've come across a number of things I've wanted to add, but as soon as I picked up the pencil I asked myself is that something I'm going to hold myself accountable for.

For the first time since eighth grade, I'm actually working out. I went through marching band, yeah, but that isn't exactly a workout. It's muscle memory. I do fifteen minute sessions, and this is my third day. So far, I haven't missed. I do them at 1-ish, which on Tuesdays and Thursdays is kind of bad because forty minutes later I'm climbing three flights of stairs, going down them, and then going up two more flights of stairs. It is a fully body workout, but I'm really only feeling it in my legs at the moment.

I'm going to take a gap year. I really need to work on myself and also fix my financial situation before my debt begins to control my life. And yeah, I'm about $10,000 in debt right now, give or take. I've told Jenna and I've told my old roommate, her because I am super excited about it and needed someone to tell on campus. Jenna because, well, she's my best friend.

I'm applying for internships for 2020, preferably early or the spring of.

2019, even though we're three months in and I made no resolutions, is going to be the year that I figure some things out.

2020 is going to be the year that I figure myself out.

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