The unknown mate Ch.12

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I looked at kashi then back at ibiki as we were ready to leave i grabbed on to the back of kashi’s vest as i stuck my tongue out to ibiki then we were going in a cloud of smoke. We then appeared in the hokage's office as kashi got down on one knee greeting the hokage. Me being me i just stood there not knowing what was going on looking between kashi and the hokage. Then he spoke.

“You may rise” he said to kashi

Kashi then stood up straight and looked at the hokage as i walked over to couch that was by the wall as they continued to talk.

“Has the intruder be captured” hokage said

“Yes my lord as well as the traitor” kashi said

The hokage then looked at me and rose an eyebrow as to why i was here i just posted a look at kashi as the hokage followed my gaze towards kashi.

“Why is Nora here?”he asked

“My lord Nora helped captured the intruder and the traitor without her we would have never found out what they were doing” kashi said

“Very well then” he said then he looked at me

“Thank you for your help Nora” he said

“My lord i wanted to ask if you could promote Nora here i would be willing to take her under my wing at train her myself if that is what it takes” kashi said as he bowed down

“I see...very well then Nora yuki uchiha daughter of Fugaku do accept to be promoted to genin and to be trained by kakashi hatake” he asked me as i stood up straight

“I Nora yuki uchiha accept to be promoted to be a genin and to be taken in by kakashi hatake” i said as i bowed my head

“Then it is settled then kakashi your missions will be reduced to have more time to train with Nora” he said to kashi

“Yes my lord” kashi said

“And Nora meet me tomorrow morning to receive your headband and to have your files documented kakashi you will have no missions tomorrow as well that will be all you are dismissed” he said to us

“Hai” we said simustaulisly

Me and kashi walked out the hokages and into the hallway i then jumped up and down as kashi watched me. Then i stopped and looked at kashi

“So kashi do i call you sensei now after all i am your student now” i asked

“I guess so but i prefer you call me kashi” he said

“Ok so kashi when will we start our training” i asked

“Tomorrow at the training ground 11 i will meet you there to see what we need to work on” he said

“Ok and that will be all” i asked

“Yes that will be all and be there at 5 am sharp so we can start early ok” he said

“Hai” i said

Kashi nodded and turned around and dispersed into a cloud of smoke. I turn walking towards the stairs till i remembered to put the transformation jutsu on again then i walked down the long flight of stairs as i walked out of the hokages building i made my way back home to tell mama and dad the good news. As i was walking down the crowded roads i ran into itachi-ani and his team as he looked at me he asked

“Yuki why are you not in school” he asked

“Well you see itach-itoko i was promoted a genin today so that is why i am not in school” i said as i smiled a little

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