explain pt 2

453 31 5

"For the hundredth time, mom, we did not have sex!" Hoseok replied exasperatedly

The situation they were in at the current moment was absurd, Hoseok's mother rarely used her power, but she decided that this moment calls for it.

Jungkook and Hoseok was tied by the hands with vines to the chair, interrogated by Mrs. Jung

"If you two didn't, then why did he slept on your bed?! I thought we're through this conversation Jung Hoseok. " Mrs. Jung narrowed her eyes at the duo.

"He was too beat to go home mother..." Hoseok sighed, "He just fell from the second floor"

"If he fell from the second floor, then why there is no wound on him?"

"I am a werewolf ma'am" Jungkook finally spoke up, after being quiet for prolonged period of time.

Then the room went quiet, with Hoseok's mom contemplating whether she should believe the handsome guy sitting beside her son.

"That makes sense. But I still have this feeling that you lied. Convince me" Hoseok's mom squinted her eyes at both person of interest sitting acrosd from her.

To prove his point, Jungkook decided he should change. With sheer power he broke the vines binding him, and made his wolf transformation.

"Ooh so you ARE a werewolf" Hoseok's mom said, dumbfounded and at lack of words.


Jungkook and Hoseok stepped into the bus, heading for their school. After the whole chaos with Hoseok's mom.

"I still can't believe my mom told Jin that I got herpes!" Hoseok said exasperatedly, hands flailing about. Hoseok's mom prevented them from going to school in order to keep her fake story intact, but Hoseok was not having any of it.

"Your mom is hilarious! She is so much like you" Jungkook laughed, then smiled, showing his bunny teeth that Hoseok adore so much.

"She is not!" Hoseok fumed fondly.

"Yes she is"


They continue to argue back and forth, with Hoseok wanting to prove his points and Jungkook just loving the reaction he got from Hoseok.


During lunch break, Hoseok spent the time eating with Taehyung on the rooftop. They were peacefully munching on the sandwich, prepared by Taehyung's mom.

"Hey can I try yours?" Taehyung asked while opening his mouth

"We ate the same sandwich you dummy" Hoseok retorted, rolling his eyes at his friend's antics.

"But yours looks waaaay more delicious than mine" Taehyung pouted "Come oon Hosikii, I wanna try yours"

"Finee" Hoseok relented, offering his half-eaten sandwich in front of Taehyung's mouth.

"See! It tastes better than mine"

"I can't understand you sometimes" Hoseok shook his head, Taehyung could be so childish sometimes.


I wonder if I could get Jin-hyung to see Frozen 2 with me today, I really wanted to watch that movie but Jungkook ditched me the other day
Hoseok daydreamed, walking a little bit  mindlessly since his mind is a bit preoccupied at the moment.

"Oof!" Hoseok ran into someone, his balance tipped.

"Careful there princess, where are you going?" Jimin held Hoseok waist to keep him from falling, eyes lidded slightly flitariously.

"Jimin!" Hoseok exclaimed, mind pulled back to earth at the feeling of Jimin's toned abs at the side of his waist. Hoseok stood up straight, but Jimin's hand stay on Hoseok's waist.

"I'll walk you to class" Jimin decided

"Thanks but it's just ahead, you can leave me here" Hoseok answered, pointing at his Fine Art class.

"Wait! Date with me tonight?" Jimin held Hoseok's right elbow.

"Lemme think real quick" Jimin looked at Hoseok expectantly, still holding Hoseok's elbow.

"Nope" Hoseok eyes Jimin mischievously then strolled past Jimin, teasing him.

"Oh, come on!" Jimin stomped his feet to the ground "Please Hoseok... I promise it will be fun! I'll take you to the beach and introduce you to my friends"

Jimin immediately ran to block Hoseok from leaving him.

"Hmmm.... still no!" Hoseok playfully counters, and skipped to walk past Jimin from his left.

Feeling a tad bit frustrated, Jimin hugged Hoseok to prevent him from leaving "Hey! Pretty please..." Jimin pleaded, clearly upset at being rejected.

Hoseok, thought he had teased enough, observed Jimin's pout and his heart clenched at Jimin's cuteness.

"Alright, alright! You big baby~" Hoseok pinched Jimin's cheek in adoration.

At that, Jimin leaped slightly, then proceeded to lift Hoseok, princess style. Hoseok yelped at the surprise.

Jimin put Hoseok down at the front of his class, embarassing Hoseok in front of his classmates. Hoseok hit Jimin's shoulder, annoyed.

Jimin laughed, eyes crinkling "See you tonight! Meet you at the park in seven?"

"Whatever~" Hoseok rolled his eyes playfully, turning back to meet the broad body of Taehyung, Hoseok looked up to see the angry eyes glaring at Jimin behind him.

Oops. Hoseok thought, he looked behind and saw the same angry face from the merman.

This is definitely uncalled for.

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