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Breanna's pov

"I love you too Wooyoung, but I hate you just as much" I said to him

He couldn't hear me anyway, he was sleeping. I instantly regretted kissing him. Not because it wasn't good, but it was because he was going to take advantage of that moment when I gave in.

I went to sleep after finishing a few more chapters of my book. Along sure to stay as far as possible from the man next to me. I'm honestly confusing myself, life was going perfectly until he suddenly showed up.

If I ever forgive him, he must know that things still won't be the same.

~Next morning~

"Eommmma!!" Jennie yelled and jumped on top of me

My eyes fluttered open and I smiled at my baby girl. I laughed at her hair, it looked like a lion's mane.

"What is it baby?" I asked her, while sitting up so I could kiss her head as she sat on my lap

"Appa said to come downstairs" she beamed. My smiled dropped.

"Okay, go back downstairs and I'll be down in a minute" I told her and she followed my orders. I love her so much.

I slowly got out of bed, not really wanting to leave it's warmth. I dragged my feet along the floor to reach the bathroom where I brushed my teeth, took a shower and brushed my hair and went to my closet to changed. I went downstairs to find Wooyoung feeding Jennie, while Jaehyun was drinking orange juice.

"Morning sweetheart!" Wooyoung smiled causing me to roll my eyes

'morning sweetheart' my ass.

"Eomma, Appa made waffles!!" Jaehyun said excitedly, as if he had never seen a waffle before

"I can see that" I said and glared at a smirking Wooyoung. When we were married, he would always make me breakfast even when I told him not to and my favorite food he would make for me was waffles.

"Don't you have work?" I asked Wooyoung, while I was sitting next to Jaehyun

"I'm taking a day off. I am the boss, after all" he replied, smirking even wider

"Eomma, can we go to the park today? I wanna go on the slide, the swings and the seasaw" Jaehyun said with a full month of food.

I smiled at him before kissing his head.

"Of course sweetie, but let's wait a bit arresso?" I told him before looking back at Wooyoung, who was feeding Jennie while adoring her.

After finishing breakfast, which consisted of Wooyoung bonding time with the kids, Wooyoung wanted to play with the kids downstairs. Am I upset about the kids finding about him? No. They really needed a fatherly figure in their lives. But what I was upset about was him making us move in with him. And also, him destroying my chances of getting over him.

I went back upstairs and decided to change to go to the park. I quickly put on white skinny jeans and a plain black crop top. I put on a jean vest and went downstairs to see Wooyoung still playing with the twins.

"Wooyoung, we're going to the park so let me get them ready" I told him, but I didn't make any eye contact with him, instead watching as my baby's smiles grew wider and showing their adorable dimples.

After we all finally got ready, we walked there since there was a park nearby. Jennie and Jaehyun didn't seem to mind, since they were pulling Wooyoung and I by our hands.

As soon as we reached the park, Jennie pulled Jaehyun to the seasaw but neither of their legs were long enough to push them off of the ground. While Wooyoung chuckled, I helped them.

While I was playing with them, Wooyoung watched from afar.

Wooyoung's pov

Breanna was perfect.
My kids were perfect.
All I need was the perfect family, but that wasn't going to happen.

I watched as Breanna played with the kids in the park, they were so happy together. I wish I had been there for her instead of leaving her. There were a lot of other kids with their parents in the park as well, the only difference was that they were all happy.

I do love Breanna, with all my heart. I want to change and learn to calm down more. I want to stop being a prick. I want to actually be there for my wife. I wanted her to love and trust me.

I hated that MinGi guy that is always with, I hate him even more by the fact that Breanna and the kids adore him. He was a good man, but he's not going to take them away from me.

The sound of Jennie and Jaehyun's giggles were like music to my ears. They were my children. Wait no...our children. And even if Breanna denied it, she was my wife. Four years without her have taken a toll on me, she was mine. No matter what happens. Even if I sound like I'm a psycho.

She will always be mine.

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