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Craig's POV

I shouldn't have done this first... Kill myself

It looks horrifying... But to me it's not..

It's easy

I ran towards the rooftop with Tweek chasing after me and Kenny not caring at all, just going outside the school to be the first witness of my death

"Craig! " Screams I here all over again.. Which annoys me

I reached the rooftop and took off my shoes as soon as possible

"Craig please don't! " Tweek screams, while sobbing deeply

"What?! " I shouted back at him "Shouldn't not caring being enough for you??!! "

"No.. Craig... Please... I-im-"

Not listening I went to the very edge and was preparing to jump off

I want to die already.. But, something's making me not to...

"Craig please! L-listen..  I-i... LOVE YOU STILL! I'M SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU! I NEVER MEANT TO LIKE KENNY! I THOUGHT YOU LIKE SOMEONE ELSE.. like clyde.. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU! " Tweek screamed with tears falling down his cheeks

It felt different.. I some how... Didn't care..

"Tweek.. " His eyes sparkled a bit.. But my emotion didn't change at all.

"I... Love you.. But, you're too late. " 

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