A Royal Mess

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Beatrice scanned the room before her, hiding her disappointment through a perfect posture and a (hopefully) pleasant facial expression. It was a trick she had learned from her etiquette teacher, Ms. Starling. Though the woman was strict, she did have some helpful tricks! The room around Beatrice had been decorated for the announcement of the Spring Gala. The Spring Gala was one of the biggest festivities of the year, and also happened to fall on her nineteenth birthday, so everything had to be absolutely perfect. 

But the room that Beatrice looked at now was anything but perfect. 

Of course, the walls were decorated in all their shining glory with tapestries and a new portrait of herself. The tables were covered with elegant desserts and appetizers for the guests, not that Beatrice could eat them. Ms. Starling said no princess could be loved if she burst out of her corset at a formal gathering. The maids and heralds awaited the guests, and Beatrice's parents, King Frederick and Queen Lucia, took their places on their enormous, jewel-encrusted thrones. Everything seemed, wonderful, but... to Beatrice, there was something missing. 

Where was the pizzazz? Where was the extra sparkle to knock this gathering out of the park? Beatrice sighed. But she kept a smile plastered to her face, thanked the head chef, who everyone referred to as Boxer, and walked up the steps to take her place in the chair to the left of her mother. King Fredrick signaled to the heralds to open the doors to the foyer and allow the guests in. 

It was one of the worst things about being royalty. Everything had to be an event. Sometimes, all Beatrice wanted was to feel normal. She tried to act like an average teenager, but it was hard when she could feel the watchful eye of her country judging every move she made. It wasn't easy to make friends either. 

In fact, the only friend Beatrice ever felt she had was her betrothed prince, the one and only Prince Leo. He was dashing and brave, everything you could want in a prince, and he was the only one who understood Beatrice, because he dealt with the same problems she did. 

But today, Leo wasn't here. It was just Beatrice, her parents, and the hundreds of people filing into the room. She rose from her seat to greet them. She waved and smiled, focusing only on what Ms. Starling had taught her. "Keep your chin up and your eyes wide. Don't yawn, don't slouch, and never, under any circumstance, speak out of turn." 

Beatrice watched as the citizens chatted and gossiped amongst themselves, knowing what was to come, feasting on the delicate dishes, and going about their business. She longed to be among them, instead of up on her chair, like some sort of show horse on a pedestal. As she was alone in her thoughts, the heralds rang their loud bells and the crowd grew quiet. 

King Fredrick began to speak, with such authority that the whole kingdom seemed to fall silent to listen. "Nobles of Cenquygro, I welcome you all today to the announcing of our most extravagant event of the year. The Spring Gala!" The foyer filled with the excited cheers of the people, and Beatrice couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement with them.  When the crowd settled, the King continued. "My daughter, and your future queen, Princess Beatrice, will make her own speech now, as an introduction to her kingdom." 

The cheers rose again and Beatrice stood and stepped quickly to the center of the stage, ignoring the burning in her cheeks as every eye turned to her. She took a deep breath to steady herself, focusing only on the walls so she didn't have to look people in the eyes.

"Thank you all for coming," she saw Ms. Starling cringe at the discomfort in her voice. She straightened quickly. "As you all know, the Spring Gala will fall on my birthday this year." A warm round of applause surrounded her. "This year I will turn nineteen, the customary age for a betrothed member of the Denerose royal family to marry." Another applause. "So, as a result, to demonstrate my readiness to be a married queen for all of you, I will take a major role as a member of the planning committee for the Gala."  She opened her arms to them as if in embrace and gave them her warmest smile. The room filled once more with applause, and Beatrice felt her smile turn real for a moment. 

She ran off the pride of others. Her parents, her superiors, the people of Cenquygro. To hear their approval of her fill the air allowed her to take pride in her position as royalty for once. And then it ended. 

A voice rose through the air that made the applause die. "S'cuse me, your Highness. What makes you think someone who ain't fit to rule could prove themselves as a leader to all of us." 

Beatrice sighed, and her smile turned icy, more of a grimace than anything. The source of the noise came from Jordan Jackson, the rudest, snobbiest, and most irritating reporter in all of Cenquygro. When her eyes found him, it took all her self-control not to sneer at his greased back hair and lime green suit. She couldn't believe she had missed him. He stuck out like a sore thumb among the other, formally dressed nobles.  

"Mr. Jackson, if you have a concern, it would be more appropriate to send a message to our heralds, so that they may present it to us. Respectfully," she added. Jordan Jackson was probably at least five years older than her, but by the way he acted, and his improper grammar, Beatrice thought he seemed more like a seven-year-old. 

"I know that's what you WANT all us rich pupils ta' think. But I'm nat buyin' it. You and all yer fancy ding dongs and jewelry marchin' around here thinkin' yer so great. Do you even know what we go through? Us reporters, we got it bad. All this royalty always takin' advantage of us and our belongin's." He snorted, and the palace security already began to approach him to toss him out of the palace. 

"I can assure you, Mr. Jackson, we've done no such thing. The Denerose family do their very best to bring everyone the wealth and joy of our wonderful kingdom. Reporters do not 'have it bad'. It may be difficult for you to find a story now and then, because of the bounty of our kingdom, but it would be much appreciated if you didn't take your frustrations out on my family. You are paid a very fair amount for the work you do." Then Beatrice stepped down from the stage and entered her powder room quickly. She couldn't afford to lose her temper. She sat down and looked in the mirror. 

Why couldn't something be perfect for once?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter featuring Beatrice in this story. Tell me what you guys think, and vote if you enjoyed! <3 

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