Its ok

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Shiro said your dad would be very proud of you Keith! Keith it ok to talk about someone you miss ! I know I just wish he was here with me right now ! He his and he will always be with you through you! Can you tell me about him? Shiro ask ! Yes he is brave , tuff, a hero and he is good at teaching stuff to me like what to do during a fire or how to fish and advice when I was having a bad day . "Keith said" wow you know that's sounds like you "shiro said" and how  so? "Keith ask" well for one you save life's like lot and for two you brave and even sometime you give a divine to poeple and you have you way of teaching others!

Keith smile and thanks ! You welcome hey you know I say lance was the most worried about you ! You might want to check up on him shiro said smiling ! I am sure he is fine shiro ! Keith ! Go check on him! Ok ok all right I am going !

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