1 - Past

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HEADS UP - This chapter is explaining the past of their relationship. 


"Kookie!" Someone shouted at him, making him jump but he recognized the voice right away, his best friend. "Katy! I missed you so much" Jungkook hugged her tightly as he speaks. (A/N: I know Yeri's name is Yerim but for now, it's going to be Katy)

They are both standing right now in the living room of Jungkook's house. It has been a while since Jungkook and Katy met up since she just came back yesterday from her holiday trip. Jungkook was sad that she had to leave but knew that they would still be in contact.

"I miss you too!" Katy replied, holding his hand and jumping around in circles. This made both parents giggle.

"Eomma, can I bring Katy to the toy room"

"Of course sweet heart, all 4 of us are going to catch up on some stuff, have fun" Jungkook's mom wave at him and Katy as they rush upstairs. After hearing the sound of the door opening and then closing, coming from upstairs, both parents turned around facing each other.

"So how are you going to tell them that you are leaving in 2 days" Jungkook's mom asked in a worried tone. The room went quiet, it wasn't awkward but all 4 of them knew that it was serious. "I'm not sure how to tell both of them without making them sad but we must do it today, maybe after dinner?" Katy's mom suggested while looking at her husband.

Jungkook and Katy's parents understand that Jungkook and Katy has been friends since they we're babies and has never been separated for more than a day without whining and crying. This made both Katy's parents make a deal with Katy that if they become neighbours, Katy and her parents can go on vacation. Katy took the deal with no hesitance.

What they didn't know was that there was someone listening to them.


Jungkook and Katy closed the door of the toy room. Jungkook wanted to spend all of his time with Katy, without wasting it. "Katy, what would you want to do first?" He asked in a exciting tone, eager for an answer.

"Let's play with the toy, then lets play hide & seek, th-then castle battle an-and everything!" Katy said in excitement jumping up and down, while spinning. After a minute of them jumping around in happiness; "May yo-you get m-me wate-er, I feel thirsty" Katy asked Jungkook as she try to catch her breath, sitting down.

"Sure, I'll be right back"

Jungkook ran down the stairs, still feeling energetic. As soon as Jungkook almost reach the floor, he stop as he saw both parents discussing something. He was curious about what they were talking about since it seems so secretive. Jungkook tried to listen better without sticking his head out so they wouldn't see him. It took a while for him to hear clearly but when he did, he was shocked.

"So how are you going to tell them that you are leaving in 2 days" Jungkook's mom ask, making Jungkook curious about what she meant but quickly understand. Yeri was leaving. Jungkook covered his mouth, scared that the parents could hear him gasp. He was on the urge of tearing up, just the thought of his best friend leaving him for more than days, it terrifies him. Jungkook controlled himself and walked out to them, trying to act normal.

Both parents was flustered that he Jungkook was there and everyone started to panic, it was awkward how Jungkook's mom tried to act calm and relaxed while he could tell, she was nervous.

"Oh huh-hi Jungkook umm ... wh-what are you doing here?" Jungkook's mom started to stuttered, which didn't help, making everything less suspicous and awkward. But Jungkook didn't want to expose his parents right now, he wanted to spend time with Katy but knowing now, he must spend all the time with her before it is too late.

"Can I have two water bottles for Katy and me?" Jungkook ask in a nervous tone, while trying to not have direct eye-contact.

"Oh sure honey" 

Jungkook's mom quickly went to grab two water bottles out of the fridge and gave it to Jungkook.

"Thank you, umm goodbye" Jungkook exclaimed as he didn't want to stay, making things more awkward and worst. 

As he opened the door to the toy room, Katy was standing there, smiling. Jungkook's cheek started to tint a bit because he thought she looked so cute. He handed the water bottle to Yeri and she thanked him, then taking a gulp of the water.

After Katy finished drinking her water, she felt a sudden embracement. Jungkook was hugging her tightly with his head on her shoulders. 

"Jungkook, haha did anything happen?" Katy ask Jungkook, giggling a bit because of the sudden reaction.

"Nothing I'm fine, can we stay like this for a minute?" Jungkook replied and still not letting go of Katy. She just nodded as she also hugged him back.

But Jungkook didn't feel fine and he didn't want to stay like this for a minute, he wanted to stay like this forever.


First chapter, hope yall enjoy it, also sorry if I accidentally said "Yeri" instead of "Katy"

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