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J: Yo

J: Fucktard

T: Don't call me a fucktard, fuckface.

T: and wow.

T: You messaged me first. Should I feel special? 🤪

J: Bitch I need help with something

J: There's this hot ass girl who I want to ask out.

T: You need straight help from my gay ass?

T: ironic.

J: I'm serious

T: Shit

T: Well what you need help with exactly?

J: Talking her without her thinking I'm a total creep.

T: Well approach her ass and be like "Hey baby girl. Number please."

J: First of all I'm not like YOU.

J: n second of all that's fucking creepy, and I specifically said I don't want to sound crEEPY.

T: Well damn.

T: Say "Hey you're hot, I'm hot. Let's fuCK."

J: NoO wTF

J: You suck at listening.

T: Just bE GAY THEN.

J: Yeah nvm I'm not asking you for help anymore.

T: 😔

T: K stupid hoe.

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