And the mystery continues..

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Now the five decided to stay together and not to go alone in any damn situation.Then Samantha told zayn,"your maid and caretaker were not there in the scene.Whenever we came across some problem, where were they?I guess its definitely the maid and the care taker who's doing all this"Zayn replied,"but the caretaker has been to my home for some work dad had informed me"Samantha said,"Then it would probably be the maid."I'm not gonna spare her..if that's true"then suddenly they heard a loud, scared scream.They all rushed out to see what was wrong.the maid had hanged herself.Or May be someone was trying to show that she did so...

Now they were confused cause whom they thought was the killer didn't exist anymore.she was dead.They noticed that Jason and nikki were missing.Zayn said,"Rey where's Jason and nikki?."nikki has gone to wash her face she informed me."said Samantha.They started to look for Jason to make sure he is all fine.Jason.....Jason.... they all started to call out his name while Samantha went to look for  nikki.The bathroom door was open.She slowly opened the door wide.nikki wasn't there inside but she saw the words written on the mirror"You all will be killed for the mistake you did two years ago" she called her friends"Guys take a look at this"They wondered who would have written it and where on earth was nikki!.Suddenly they heard some noise"Help me!please someone save me.Zayn, Rey, Sammy save me." They all knew it was Jason they ran out of the house to figure out.Jason was standing at the edge of the terrace he was pleading for help.He said"she wants to push me down.Rey started to climb the stairs that were adjacent to the house .but it didn't matter how much ever he climbed he could not move a stair ahead and in no time Jason fell off he banged his head

to the ground, he was trying to say some thing "zz zz zzaa"  and he lost his life.Rey had reached close to the terrace,however, it was of no use now but he wanted to see who the killer was.He was about to reach but suddenly he lost his balance, his leg slipped and he fell off and banged his head but he didn't die he was alive.Zayn and Samantha took him to the hospital having no idea where nikki  was. bcuz she was not to be seen from last last whole day.He was operated immediately and the doctors advised him to stay at the hospital for one night.Zayn and Samantha came back to the farmhouse as no one was allowed to stay at the hospital with Rey.


Hey guys hope you're liking it


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