Chapter 8

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"Hi Addison." Mel smiles opening the door. "Hello Aaliyah." She smiles a little wider. Aaliyah pulls her daughter back and gives Mel an angry look. Shawn got arrested again and now has to do time. Shawna doesn't want to look at him anymore and Mel keeps trying to explain that it's her fault but her daughter isn't accepting anything from either of them.

"Where's Shawn?" Her arms cross and Mel sighs opening the door a little wider. "Is he home?" She taps her foot impatiently but Addison enters the home regardless. Shawn was supposed to watch her today and Mel knew that. He was so excited but mark got out yesterday and came after Shawn who went back after mark. They're both in jail now yet again.

"He got arrested last night we're waiting for his hearing to see if he gets sentenced again." She sighs and Aaliyah groans there's no where for her daughter to go.

"I can still stay here mama aunt Mel can watch me." She rolls her eyes. She hates that Aaliyah always feels the need to leave her with people but she doesn't complain or her mama gets mad. "She won't bite me." She walks over and gives her mama a hug. "And if she does I'll bite her back." She teases making Mel smile. She is just like Shawna and she's got the same sense of humour that Ecstasy had. "Bye mama." She rolls her eyes shutting the door. Her mama would've forced her to leave if she kept it open any longer.

"You wanna spend time with me?" Mel giggles making the girl frantically nod. Mel is her uncles wife and she wants to know everything. Addison wants to hear about the day that they met and how they fell in love mama always told her that Ecstasy was the hardest thing that either of them have ever done. She just wants to hear all of these stories that she could never understand from her mom or dad. "What should we do? We can go on a shopping trip we could go for lunch if you want to! We can do anything you'd like." She touches the girls cheek leading her into the kitchen where she gulps down the rest of her coffee. Addison snickers little does her poor aunt know that both of her parents are on a business trip and she's spending the week here. Maybe her mama will get so worried that her nana and avo will have to come and get her. Regardless she likes her aunt and she's excited to spend time with her.

"Uncle Shawn used to tell me about all of these things that you guys used to do!" She giggles marching around Mel trying to see if her uncles description was accurate. "He always told me you were gorgeous but I thought he was biased." She mumbles continuing her examination. "He always said you have the best cuddles and hugs and kisses too!"

"I haven't hugged your uncle Shawn properly in a really long time." She sighs touching his nieces hair.

"I haven't either." She looks at the ground. "This is the second time I've ever been in his house." She looks around staring at everything. The gigantic wedding photo he has hung up on the wall. The portrait of him and his little family when both of his kids were little. "When do I get to meet your kids?" She raises an eyebrow and Mel gives a sigh.

"I only have one kid." She touches Addison'a head and then shakes hers. "I had two kids but I lost one." They both look down as if to show respect for their deceased. "I can take you to meet him if you want, I'll bring a photo album and I can tell you all sorts of stories. He would've loved you so much!" She sighs. Squeezing the child beside her. Poor Addison gets babies by Mel and Shawn and though she's almost a teenager she can't get enough of it.

"Will it make you sad?" She whispers carefully. "I know mama always told me that I can't bring him up around uncle Shawn because he gets really sad." She leans against her aunt. Finally allowed to feel those famous cuddles and her uncle Shawn was right they are the best.

"I've had more time to understand that he's happier now. Your uncle Shawn didn't know for a while." She sighs trying so hard not to give the child the whole story. It'll make her look like a monster and she doesn't want to do that to herself. She just wants a nice relationship with one member of his family.

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