Chapter One

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Yoongi's POV

  I pursed my lips into a thin line and stared up at the building in front of me. I shook my head and laughed a dreadful laugh. The building was white and it had Christmas lights on the outside of it. There was a Christmas tree on the outside of it and it had purple ornaments.

  I looked at the sign above the door and squinted. It said 'Jin's Restaurant' and it was a pastel pink color, covered with the lights.

  You have got to be kidding me..

  I sighed and walked up to the pastel yellow door and opened it, making a bell go off.

"Hi, Welcome to J- Wait, do I know you?" I heard once I walked in. I finally took my eyes off of the decorations everywhere and I looked at the man speaking to me. I squinted at the person and tilted my head. They know me?

The guy looked very familiar and I couldn't quite see him because he had a mask on his face and a hat covering his head. He saw how I was looking at him and he came to stand next to me with a happy aura.

"It's me, Taehyung." He said brightly.

My eyes widened at the name and I double checked him. He started taking off his hat and mask so I could see him clearer. Sure enough, it was him. Kim Taehyung from high school.

"Holy hell, it's been forever since I've seen you." I said in shock. Me and Tae used to be close to one another through mutuals.

We were in the same friend group and we were introduced to each other by Seokjin. Soon after, we became pretty good friends.

The three of us were inseparable.

"Are you here to see Jin?" Taehyung put his arm around my shoulder and smiled. I nodded my head and my lips curved upward.

"Yeah, he actually told me he had an opening so I came to check it out." I shrugged. "I've been struggling with money lately. I'm surprised I'm not homeless yet." I chuckled.

Tae grinned at me and led me to the counter. "Well our roommate actually just moved out, maybe once you meet Jimin, he'll consider letting you stay with us." He smiled.

My eyes widened and my shock was more intense than ever. I hadn't seen Taehyung in months- maybe a year, and he's already offering me a place to stay if I need it..?

I always remembered him as the type of person to be so nice, though. He would cheer someone up in a heartbeat- whether it be his closest friend to a person he never met.

"Who?" I asked, referring to 'Jimin'.

Tae shook his head and opened the door to the back of the restaurant. "Park Jimin. He's my friend, and I'm sure he'll like you." He smiled just as Seokjin walked up to us.

"Yoongi!" Jin said excitedly. He wrapped his arms around me and then squeezed the life out. "Oh my god, it's like old times having the three of us here! It's been since graduation!"

I smiled as Taehyung joined the hug and I felt at home. They were the only people that I had ever opened up to, and it's been forever since I've talked to either of them.

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