Chapter Three

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My lips curved up into a smile as Jungkook took Jimin's phone and held it above his head.

"Kookie, give it back!" He pouted as he stood on his toes to reach it. Jungkook shook his head and smiled down at Jimin.

"What do I get in return?" He waved the phone in the air. I chuckled to myself and handed a person their change, not minding that they were rude to me five seconds ago.

I'd been working here for almost two weeks and I would say that I'm getting used to how everything works here. Jin and Taehyung are nicer than ever, and I like the other three guys as well. And Jimin, too.

Namjoon was nice to Jin and everyone else, and he was very shy at some times. Jungkook was shy when I first met him, but now he makes jokes about me and with me.

Hoseok and I didn't necessarily talk at first, but now he's talkative and he's a funny guy.

Needless to say, I like it here.

Taehyung and Jin invited me to "game night" with everyone. They told me they try to do it at least once a month to relieve stress, so I just shrugged and agreed. It's not like I even had anything better to do anyways.

When I arrived at Taehyung and Jimin's house, I straightened out my shirt and breathed in the fresh winter air.

It was slightly snowing, only a few often flakes falling into my black hair. I frowned and shook my hair with my hand, not wanting it to go flat.

I finally made it to the door and knocked lightly. A moment later, Jimin appeared in the door. He looked past me and out into the driveway. "Oh my- it's snowing!" He screeched and looked up at me.

Once he realized that I was standing there with a raised eyebrow, he scoffed at me. "Snow is so precious, don't look at me like that!" He whined as he pushed past me and into the snow. I felt my lips curl up and I stopped.

I knew that the feeling in my stomach wasn't from eating anything bad or any sickness.

The feeling in my body was from watching Jimin merely run out into the snow with a smile on his face as he raised his arms.

The feeling I had was close to the feeling that I had loathed for forever. I remember developing my first crush and feeling this shit.

Fucking butterflies.

I shook my head and pictured someone punching me out of my little trance.

Jimin was just an acquaintance, and that's all he'll ever be to me. Acquaintance. Friend?

  Nothing more.

I looked into the house and stepped in with a frown. I looked into the living room and saw all of the boys sitting in a circle. Taehyung looked up at me and smiled widely.

"Yoongi, truth or dare?" He asked as I placed my coat on the wall hanger. I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows. It was such a middle school game, but I was curious as to what he was going to do to me.

"You pick," I shrugged.

That was a mistake.

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