Not A Quirk, Can't Prove It

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Midoriya becomes an illegal Spider-Man and Todoroki keeps showing up and getting into fights with everyone.

Tododeku Week 2018, day five: Promises!!!

"Life is bristling with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to cultivate one's own garden." – Voltaire, letter to Pierre – Joseph Luneau de Boisjermain(21 October 1769)


2:56 pm start

please understand spider-man so I don't have to

5k? 5k. nice.


Izuku stops on his evening run to pet a cat in an alley, and that's where it begins.

He's just crouched there in his running clothes, grinning at the cat's thunderous purrs and minding his own business, when an entire glowing blue spider bites him on the inside of his left wrist. He startles sharply, falling back on his ass with a yelp. The cat jumps and books it like he just turned into a cucumber in front of it. Also, holy shit, what business does a spider have glowing?

It's a big spider. It has very long legs. It runs away very fast, and Izuku has to take a good five minutes to calm down. Then he sees the swell on his wrist, and feels sick. Oh my god, a glowing spider bit me, I'm going to die. I'm sorry, Mom, I'm sorry, All Might. I was bested by a nightclub arachnid.

He walks the rest of the way home feeling woozy, and he can't tell if it's just him overreacting or if he's already on his way to an early grave.

When he gets home, he chokes out a half-hearted "I'm home," and waves off his mom's concerns on his way to his room, claiming that he's tired and feels a little sick. A lot sick is more like it.

He passes out on his bedroom floor.


The next morning, Izuku feels light, but in weirdly good way. He slams his head into the corner of his desk to check if he's a ghost. He's not, and his forehead hurts very much. He goes to school silently questioning it the whole way, and also the skip in his step that getting bit by a spider definitely did not warrant. What kind of spider gave its victims an energy boost? Or is this just a high before crashing and dying for good? God, he doesn't want to know.

Some kids that aren't Bakugou try and forcibly wheedle money out of him because they're irresponsible gangsters who lose their lunch money when they don't know how to make one for themselves. When one of them goes to shove him against a locker and presumably raid his bag, he does something new, because the lightness, the energy compels him to and he feels like he can. He leans with the shove and takes two steps up the lockers and pushes off it to redirect the force right back into the guy. He falls backwards and hits the ground with a satisfying thud. Izuku momentarily panics, he could have hurt him, but then he's getting up and his lackeys are screeching What the fuck and the guy's baring his teeth at him. He looks about ready to lunge, so Izuku turns and runs to his classroom.


He doesn't tell All Might about this after school. He actually kind of forgets to, because he can lift a significant amount more than yesterday and that gets him ecstatic, focusing on hauling things he couldn't with a tunnel vision.


Two days later, on his evening run, again, he finds out about his ability to crawl on walls and the little slits on his wrists he hadn't noticed that shoot out spiderwebs. He does this in the process of saving a woman from becoming an unwilling organ donor between two dumpsters. The dude with the knife is messily plastered against the face of one of them, knife at his feet. Izuku helps up the obviously strongly drugged woman and walks with her to the nearest police station. He's, like, ninety-eight percent sure that what he just did was vigilantism and also illegal, so he sits her down on one of the benches outside and hopes for the best.

Tododeku Week 2018Where stories live. Discover now