(You're Gonna Be)The One Left Standing

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Midoriya's a villain, but not really, and Todoroki went through the Sports Festival without him. Things are different.

Tododeku Week 2018, day six: Family

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Or deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love


sorry if this flows badly or if everyone's ooc, I spent like? Five hours? Mapping out the plot while it took me like twenty minutes on the other days, and I still hate it. So. Yeah, sorry in advance. At least I got tomorrow's planned out and a little art for both.


4:09 pm start!


Midoriya Izuku walks up to the receptionist of the hero agency.

"Hello," he greets her. "I'm here to fight, uhh..." he looks at smudged writing on his hand. "Hunks."

The lady squints at him, then shakes her head. "Sparring room's on the third floor, you can follow the signs from the elevator, I'll tell Hawks you're waiting for him." She points at the elevator.

"No, I need to fight him." Izuku clarifies. "Like, die."

"...huh," the receptionist says, and reaches around her back for something. Izuku never finds out what it is, though, because a man with very large bird wings pops around the corner to Izuku's left.

"WHO WANTS TO FIGHT ME?" He says, coming to a stop. He has two very calm teenagers trailing behind him, and Izuku wonders if they're used to him or if that's just how they are.

"Me," Izuku holds up one of his hands. The receptionist relaxes in the corner of his eye. "I was thinking we should take it outside, though."

Hawks puts his hands on his hips. Izuku refrains himself from asking about his hero name. "Make an appointment, kid!" He suggests. "I have interns to take care of." He juts his thumb at the kids behind him.

Izuku can't make an appointment. "I'm a villain."

Hawks' brows furrow. "You're a kid."

"I multitask."

The hero makes the letter Y with his hand and waggles it by the side of his face, looking at the receptionist. Popo? He mouths. The woman nods. "Okay, let's go!"

Izuku walks out of the lobby first. Behind him and Hawks, he can hear the interns privately conversing. "Is this a common occurrence?" The one with the bird head asks the one half encased in ice. Izuku looks between him and Hawks for a moment, wondering if the birds are related.

The ice one doesn't sound very sure when he says, "No?"

Only once their procession reaches a crosswalk does Hawks realize a pretty important thing. "Got a place for this fight?" He was probably too busy tracking his every move to think about where they were supposed to do this sooner.

"Any open area will work." Izuku muses. "I don't have a destructive quirk." The quirk he does have, the absolute worst twelfth birthday present ever, was called Bulletproof Heart. It made all his vital organs pretty much indestructible, so he could be trained to his superiors' content without dying on them, as long as no one choked him or let him bleed out. It also frustratingly enough made it difficult to let them down for good on assassination missions like this by getting killed. He made up for it by executing them the absolute worst way possible, like, say, announcing to his target's receptionist that he wanted to fight them to the death.

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