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friday - the big day

so it's 5am and i'm on the plane to meet lia. it's really exciting, getting to collab with one of the greatest youtubers. i'm happy ethan isn't here to embarrass me or burst my bubble because i think i like lia... i wasn't really sure but now
i think i might be.
anyways even though it's 5am i'm not tired because i'm not the lazy twin, sorry ethan but that's just facts.
wow they giving me good shit in first class. netflix, spotify, youtube, good food that i like and something else but i don't know what it is.
you know what, i'm going to start watching pretty little liars: the perfectionists, since i've finished pll.
i log into netflix and start watching the new episodes for the next few hours.

6 hours later

i arrive at the airport and wait for grayson to get off the plane. if i have some time to kill, i could go get mcdonalds. eh what the heck?
i start to walk to the airport mcdonalds as i get a text.

grayson 💘: i'm here!

i can get food later.

i was away to go to mcdonalds 😂
are you here?
i mean the airport mcdonalds
anyways i need to pick up my bags and i'll come meet you!
i'm sitting down outside the duty free
you did some shopping in there didn't you? 😂
i tried but i need a boarding pass for it
oh well you can do it on the way to la
i never thought of that 😂
okay i see you i think
you do?
with the ariana backpack on?
wait where are you?
look behind you :)

i look behind me like grayson said to. i don't see him, i shrug my shoulders and turn back around.
then i hear someone say boo from behind me and they tap my shoulder. i jump and turn around again.

it's grayson.

"haha very funny" i say to him.
"so no hi grayson it's great to see you?" he laughs replying.
"sorry... hi grayson it's great to see you!"
"thank you! it's great to see you as well"
i may or may not of jumped into his arms... i'm that excited.

"wow someone's happy to see me" he says.
"i'm just so excited, leave me alone"
"fine" he laughs.
"anyways now i will drive you to my humble abode"
"it's not a cardboard box is it?"
"haha very funny"
"i'm kidding" he laughs again.
"come on hurry up" and i walk ahead to my car.
i put his bags in the back and he sits in the passenger seat.
"have you got bluetooth in here?" he asks me.
"yeah why?"
"lemme play something"
"if it's deepthroat by cupcaake i'm kicking you off it"
"no it's not i swear"
"it better not be grayson!"
"it's not" we laugh.

the song comes on and i know it! it's Where We Go by P!nk.

"omg i fucking love this song! how did you know? this is my favourite" i say.
"it's my favourite as well" he answers.
"did not expect that"
"great minds think alike"
"oh wow"

15 minutes later

we arrive at my home and grayson gets his stuff from the back.
"ok, i love your house and i haven't even been inside yet" he says.
"what if inside was a pigsty?"
"i'd still love it i guess"
"you're not allergic to dogs right?"
"no i'm not"
"ok good because there's three of them"
"kaz lumpy and ashe"
"wow i didn't even have to tell you"
"you forgot i watch your videos?"
"i forget a lot of things sometimes"

we enter my house and once i close the door, the dogs hear us and come running down.
"they're even cuter in real life" grayson says.
they wonder who grayson is since they've never seen him before.
"it's okay he won't hurt you" i say to them.
"they're the type of dogs that don't go near people they haven't met before" i say to grayson.
"not the first time it's happened"
lumpy goes to grayson and i can tell he absolutely loves her.
"can i have her please?" he says.
"no, she's my baby!" i say in a weird voice. that makes grayson laugh.
ok i think ashe loves him more than lumpy now. she's just taken over like bitch move it's my turn. i start laughing at my own joke and he says to me "what?"
"anyways your room is down the hall and i'll show you about when you want"
"okay thanks"

he walks down the hall to his room as ashe follows him.
lumpy sits with me and barks once.
"mhmm" i say to her. she knows what's up, i don't know how but she knows.
i then get a text from an unknown number but i know who it is by what they say.

Unknown: can we be friends again?

it's meredith.
does she not know what she's put me through? and she texts me can we be friends again.
let's play it cool and answer this bitch.

bold - lia
italic - meredith

who's this?
you know who it is li
don't call me that
so you know who it is?
who are you?
don't play this game with me
you know!
do i?
then tell me who you are
you bitch
it's been a year
a year since you put me through hell
i'm sorry! i didn't think you would find out
oh yeah because saying sorry fixes everything doesn't it meredith?
look i'm really sorry and i mean it
no meredith
you slept with my ex
i know
and i am sorry
you think you can turn off your caller id saying you're sorry for ruining my relationship? i don't think so bitch
now fuck off i have better things to do than deal with picking up trash again
i'll be back lia
you know i will
you'll be back to be found dead
if you don't back the fuck off
ugh give it a break
ok i'll give you a break
where do you want me to break you first?
i just wanna be friends again
so you can sleep with more of my boyfriends? i don't think so
i know you're single lia
not for long
what's that supposed to mean?
i don't need to explain myself to you meredith
you used to
things change meredith
but you haven't
i have i swear
sorry i need to get out of the recycling centre before they close
fine i'll give you more time

honestly i can't stand her, i know she hasn't changed a bit. she's just going to fuck more people i date.
if she tried that shit with grayson if we did go out, i'd pull her hair twice as hard as i did last year.
but i have to admit... maybe i went off a little bit too much on her. it has been a year but she needs to learn what she did was wrong and that's why i can't forgive her. maybe only maybe i'll think about it, but she's going to be waiting a while...

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