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"hey janie, can you come downstairs for a minute?"

"yeah! i'll be down in a minute!"

"janie, now please. it's important."


"mom, dad, what's up?"

"janie... uncle bryan died last night"


" all week..."

"...couldn't hold on anymore..."


" funeral..."

"...brunch on sunday..."



"...rare disease..."

"...donate brain to science..."


"janie, are you okay?"



* * * 2 weeks later * * *

"hey, mom, you texted saying to call as soon as possible. what's up?"

"sweetie... your grandpa died earlier today..."


"...hospice last night..."

"...not even 24 hours..."


"...congestive heart failure..."

"...fluid build up..."



" quickly..."


"janie, are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine"

"are you sure?"

"no, mom... not really"

"i love you sweetie"

"i love you too mom"

* click *

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