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Lealani pov
I make it to the award show and head out my car. I was only a good 5 minutes late which isn't bad at all.
I go to the red carpet and I hear fans scream my name which makes all the celebs turn their neck and some smile at me while others look me up and down being petty,
I can't complain though I know I look good so it doesn't matter.

I see bts looking at me with smiles so I smile back and wave, while Namjoon... yea we're Definitely gonna have a scandal tomorrow.

I do the usual I take my pictures and go into the interviews. A lot of what they said were the same things so I tried answering differently each time but ended up giving up on that and saying the same thing.
After that I go to a interview with a girl and I already knew something was up with her.

"Hola comar estars" she says thinking she's actually saying it correctly..
I laugh it off even though it wasn't funny
"Hi nice to meet you." I say respectfully
"Oh and the Mexican speaks English" she says.

At this point it was awkward and I felt disrespected.
"Ahmm yes I do" I have to keep my energy up and not let people like her ruin my vibe.

"So what do you do cause I know you don't work all day long like your family right?"
"Umm..haha... well I'm a model and-"
"Okay next question" she cuts me off like it was nothing.

"What even are you? Like I know you're Mexican cause clearly but what's your other races?" She says looking me up and down.

"Well one I'm not Mexican and two I'm Puerto Rican and talk to me with respect cause this isn't how you're supposed to talk to people." I tried to walk away but she grabs my arm
"Okay chika...let's finish this interview sis."
Yea this not happening.

"Look I'm not answering none of your questions if it's not about how I'm feeling or about my career, put respect on me and I'll do the same."

I walk away going into the hall feeling annoyed.

"Well folks as you see lealani really is rude and disrespectful and doesn't have manners at all for people like me. I guess it's because of my race and she is a racist but that wasn't right at all."
Says the interviewer.

As I'm walking to find my seat I notice I'm sitting next to bts. At least I'll have someone to talk to.

Time skip
Everybody settles down. I'm next to Namjoon as him and Jimin practically fought over that seat.
"Hi babe you look beautiful." Says Namjoon who looks amazingly handsome.

"You look very handsome love." I say back with my loving voice.
"This interviewer was so mean to me today I can't get it out of my mind..."

"Really what did she say?" He asks
"She pretended to know Spanish and made fun of it and she kept making rude stereotypical remarks which actually got to me." I say

"I'm sorry love I'll make it up to you tonight okay baby?" What a flirt
"You're such a flirt you know that?"
"Only for you mama." Oof chill buddy

"Lealani please come so we can get you changed."

"Bts please come so we can get you guys changed."

We all get up and make our way backstage. We change into our second outfit and me and Namjoon we're kinda matching which made us happy.

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after that we go to our seats and the award show begins

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after that we go to our seats and the award show begins.
Everybody knew I was into the bad girl concept but nobody expected me to wear it to an award show so I went viral on twitter pretty fast.
Namjoons name was trending #2 on twitter and the hashtag was #namjoonxbadboy everybody went crazy. My # was #lealanixbaddie which trended #3 and the first # cause is by surprise as it was #namjoonxlealani. We didn't know the fans would catch on so quickly but they did.

Award show starts

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