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It finally was my turn to present the award.

How you guys feeling tonight?"
Everybody cheered and started shouting my name.

I have the honor to present this Grammy for best female rap album. Are you guys ready!? and...
The winner for 2019 Grammy female rap album goes to.. my best frienddd... CARDI B"

Everybody clapped and cheered and so did I. She comes up to me with a big smile and we both hug with smiles that reach to our ears. The crowd cheers louder seeing our interaction.
I was so proud of my best friend tonight.

I hand her the award and we hug again. I stepped back to the corner and wait till her speech was over until I can return back stage.

After a few more seconds she thanks all her fans and goes back to her seat happy as ever. I myself head backstage to get my makeup retouched.

Once I got done I head to my seat and as I was walking I walk past BTS and we waved at each other and I gave Namjoon a big smile which he returned.

I go back to my seat and after a few BTS presented their award.

Today we are gladly giving this award to not only a very talented artist, but also a artist with a beautiful soul.  Congrats to H.E.R"

Everybody clapped and cheered as her went to the stage.
They stepped back to the corner and waited for her to finish the speech.

1 hour later

Alright y'all today I wanna give just one last very special Grammy to somebody who encourages all the women to be themselves, to love themselves and to spread positivity.
She's not only beautiful outside
But in the inside as well.
I would like if BTS present her this award for women empowerment."
Alicia says.
(Idk just go w/ it)

Everybody was confused except for BTS.
Namjoon looks at me while walking to the stage and we both smile at each other.

(Play audio)

Tonight was filled with memorable moments nobody can forget. But this might just top it off, to end the night the right way we would be so greatly honored
To give this award to somebody we all love and cherish. The
The award for women empowerment goes to...
Everybody stands and cheers for me as I look to my friends shocked. I hug them all and make my way to the stage on the verge of crying.

I hug all the members and me and Namjoon hug for a bit longer then the rest which everybody cheers louder at.

I would like to thank my fans whom have been there for me since the beginning, you guys were the one who taught me to love myself so now that I'm teaching others makes me Feel so grateful. I wanna thank angels for helping me through so much and my family as well, and my friends you guys have been a huge support as well
Especially one group of friends who I love and cherish so much, you guys keep me strong and are the reason I'm able to receive such an award like this.~THANK YOU"
Everybody cheers loudly.

I head back to my seat still shocked and my friends all give me big loving hugs saying how proud they were.

We sit and watch the show until our favorite song comes on. Me and my friends start singing and dancing sitting down of course. The camera turns to us and of course
Since we're models we all pose for the camera and send flying kisses.

Nobody expected it not even the
Camera man. He lost balance of the camera and that's when I reach for the camera to hold it up,
The crowd starts cheering loudly and screaming my name calling me
"Beautiful, perfect etc"

I start giggling and blushing at there reactions and we continue to dance and sing.

Yerooooo wassup hope you guys are enjoying the story. anyways vote for this chapter okay see ya later 🥂

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