Childhood Friendships

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Adora's POV

All I've ever known is the Rebellion and their struggles. I had been taken in at a young age, hardly able to crawl. At least I'd been raised by those who'd care for me and love me.

You see, I was found by members of Queen Angella's Court at the age of around 7 months and was brought to Her Majesty. Already having a daughter of my age, the Queen happily took me in wishing for such a child as me to be raised safely. And, thus I was part of Brightmoon's Royal Family.

Growing up I had but three friends; Glimmer, Bow and Catra; Glimmer and Bow were both from areas of Brightmoon, Glimmer was my "sister" and Bow practically grew up in the Whispering Woods.
Catra, however, was different. She'd been an orphan also, but she had been raised in a different kingdom, she had been raised by the Royal Family of Plumeria. She'd been raised happily along with the Princess Perfuma. They'd both gotten along well with me and my sister, but only Catra became a real friend to us due to the fact Perfuma was more interested in her plants than people.

Bow, Catra, Glimmer and I had always had the best of times exploring. We'd go on expeditions in the Woods and find the best hiding spots. We'd even, at times, have such fun that we would not notice time pass to the extent Queen Angella- I mean Mum- sent out guards to search for us from fear the Horde had captured us.

Don't tell Bow or Glimmer, but growing up Catra was always my favourite friend. Sure all four of us were each others best friends, but I always knew that I had a favourite friend. I guess deep down I always had a slight crush on her. It's a nice sentiment, eh?

I always hated the fact my emotions were so influential in every part of my life. Now, though, I'm rather thankful for all of my emotions ruling my wonderfully complex life.

Catra's POV

Growing up my "family" were always so annoying. They'd constantly ask why I didn't befriend the people of Plumeria, but I never enjoyed their hippie-ness. I'd much prefer being friends with Bow, Glimmer and... Adora.

I'm not going to lie to you- not now, not ever-, I kinds of had a crush on Adora since we were, like, 8 years old. Emotions are so irritating at time aren't they?

I didn't think much of my crush at the time, let me tell you. You see, I'd always thought Adora had liked Bow growing up because of the way they had always acted around one-and-another and how casual they'd always appear to be with each other. How stupid I was, thinking that at all. I mean, no offence to Bow but he was always an utter twink! And, Adora was, well, Adora. She never really thought of liking someone in that way... Or, so I thought.

Maybe I was too naïve to see it at the time, or maybe I didn't want to see it. You see, I'd learn something that would rock my whole world, something very important to do with my dear Adora.

Adora's POV

This isn't how one tells a story- by cutting 'straight' to the point. So, let's take it back to when all four of us had an adventure that was slightly different to the usual ones.

We had all been around about 10 when it happened; we'd all decided to explore the Castle as to avoid getting grounded for being 'missing' for a few hours. We even told Queen Angella as to make sure she'd not freak out at our dissappearing for some time.

That's why, when it happened, it took so long for us to be found. You see, there were rooms in Castle no one had gone in for years and we, like the idiotic children we were, decided to venture into each and every one of them.

The first few were safe; 2 of them seemed to be guest rooms that fell into disrepair through the years; there were about 3 rooms that were some kind of bunker, I don't know what kind. However, when we came upon the room, we all wanted to go back to Glimmer's room to listen to music and chat. We'd have even rather a proper chat with the Queen than go in!

There was something off-putting about the obsidian door with a pearl inlay, which seemed to be an inverted version of the Horde's Logo, in the centre. I, of course, was the first to approach the door; the first one to go inside the room; the first one to see it.

When we went inside, it was encompassed in shadows, bar from a soft purple glowing in the centre of the room, flickering periodically.

When we'd gone inside, all four of us had regretted it instantly; the door had slammed shut and locked; then, the room had been enveloped all that was in the room. Then we had saw it.

Catra's POV

In the midst of the purple light stood a specture of a man beside what appeared to be that of a wolf. That set off my feline instincts and all I did was hiss lowly as I move fractionally behind Adora.

"Who, and what, are you?" Adora had asked the figures so calmly, as if she'd not cared that at any moment they could turn hostile.

No response... Then, the man lunged forward grabbing at Adora's Neck and pulled up close. I was about to fight to get her back when the wolf moved forward growling at me. I froze.

He then introduced himself, "I have no name, not anymore. I am merely a phantom, a shadow of the person I once was. But know this: I was once a man cherished by all of you, one you have lost and shan't be able to have back again."

What he did next, none had expected. He scratched Adora's cheek and made a line of down her face that ended on her neck above her collar bone. It bled and soon after my dear Adora had passed out. Glimmer and Bow look to care for Adora whilst I, with vision of crimson, began to pounce at the figure snarling and scratching. The wolf growled at me, yet for some reason it seemed to disappear as if it were never even there. Then, the man did the same.

Despite the both of them having vanished, the door stayed firmly shut and none of us could open it. We sat in there for around about 2 hours before we were found by a guard on his rounds that heard our soft cries.

Let me tell you now, Queen Angella was not pleased that we were in that room. Or, that Adora had passed out and was bleeding. Despite her anger, however, she did explain the room and why it had been like that.

"That room was a cell used to hold prisoners of war we captured that could give us information on what the horde was going to do," the Queen had began. "It shows you someone you care for and yet fear. This person then does almost anything as to get you to talk. The person who it showed you, he is very important to me even now," she paused looking as if in pain as all four of us peered up at her with concern and curiosity.

"T- that man... Was a simulation of my husband, Glimmer's father. And, the wolf was a creature he'd kept as a secret pet for years. The last time any of you would have seen it you'd have all be about 4, before it had disappeared entirely."

We'd all been shocked at the time by this revelation, however now-a-days I feel it would be less of a shock. It certainly would have been a much kinder story to all of us than the one we'd endure.

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