Teenage Stress

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Adora's POV

It was hard to believe only 5 years ago that terrifying room bared its secrets to us. I knew it still scared Catra, even after so long. She couldn't even look at  me without staring at my scar. I hated that she did that; I hated when she blamed herself for what happened.

She always believed something bad that happens to her friends or family was her fault no matter what. I wished she didn't, but no such luck I suppose.

This was why we were how we were around one and other after it happened. This was why we had fights everyday. This was why we kept breaking each others hearts...

Catra's POV

I wished mine and Adora's friendship hadn't been falling apart back then. We were 15 for Pete's Sake! At 15, best friends should be hanging out and having tons of fun, not fight over stuff that happened, like, 5 years ago!

That was why I decided to talk to Queen Angella whilst Perfuma and I were visiting due to some meeting being held in Brightmoon.

"Ma'am, may I speak with you please? It's about... Adora," I had barely been able to ask that of Angella, scared of what she'd have thought of this.

Of course, she agreed to a private talk and we sat in the gardens under a large, lone tree.

"Before, I ask you anything please let me say that I have not wished to have had mine and Adora's... Friendship be in as bad a ruin as it is this very day. I appologise for any aggrievances it may have caused."

Angella had simply smiled as she said in a rather soft voice, "It is quite alright, Catra. I know both you and Adora have not meant for any of this to happen, it simply has. Now, I want to ask you a single question before you ask me anything," she looked at me expectantly  and politely nodded as to single her continuation of her request. "What do you feel in the way of Adora; is she a friend or do you wish it were more?"

I was taken aback for a second due to her question, then I answered calmly, "I do see her as a friend, however I," my voice begins to tremble ever so slightly as I continue, "may or may not, have a slight crush on your dear adopted daughter. Please don't tell her, though. I need not knowledge of if she'd reciprocate my affections, so, please, don't tell her."

"I won't, do not worry. Though, I'd get around to confessing if I were you. You may be surprised by her response, in a pleasant way of course," she, at this point, must have noticed my awkward, uncomfortable fidgeting because she quickly changed subject and asked me to ask what I thought I must.

 So, I did just as I had meant to. I began with more simple, 'Yes' or 'No' style questions. They had all been of how Adora was taking our constant fighting, not very well apparently. She'd apparently become rather detached from everyone bar Glimmer and Bow; she'd eaten less, which was worrying considering she wasn't exactly the best at remembering to eat properly anyway. Then, I brought myself to ask the question I really wanted to know the answer to and, at the same time, I did not wish to know. "Has she... done anything stupid? Like, anything that may cause herself h- harm?"

Tears appear in the Queen's eyes as she answered, "Not as such... She has been more violent in outbursts recently, however. This has at time cause guards to need to knock her out which can cause pain. Catra, dear, I am so sorry for not sending word of this to Plumeria as to alert you and your sister of this but I had thought it best not to. I suggest when we arrive back at the castle you head to Glimmer's room, that is where Adora has been spending her days and nights as of late. Make Glimmer and Bow are with you, though, for I do not know how she may react to you alone being there."

With that we stood and began to walk towards the Castle and once we had entered  Glimmer and Bow stood before us, looking rather... Distraught? What had happened? My mind had reeled simply from their expressions of distress and all i could think was that something had happened to Adora.

"Mum! Catra! Thank God you're back! It's Perfuma, she was trying to cheer Adora up, you know the way Perfuma is when someone is feeling down. Anyway, it was working but then... Adora's eyes glowed, her irises turning sapphire and the whites of her eyes turning midnight blue. That's when she... When she..." Glimmer began sobbing as Bow hugged her and continued in her places, ever so slightly glaring at me for some reason or another.

"Adora pounced forwards straddling Perfuma, who simply thought it was some game and laughed. That's when she started to scratch at Perfuma like cat would scratch someone in defense. Then... Oh God... Then, she began to draw blood. Perfuma is safe now, but I don't think she'll mentally be the same ever again... I'm so sorry this happened. Catra, you need to talk to Adora, please. I know you two aren't on the best terms at this moment, however I believe you'll be able to bring her back because that vicious creature was not her, not truly."

I was speechless and very worried for both Adora and my sister. I stood gobsmacked for what felt like a century before i simply nodded and ran to Glimmer's room assuming that to be where Adora had been left. As I walk in, I notice the blood on the ground... Just how much had Perfuma bled that day? I never did find out the answer to that... The question soon left my mind, of course, when I saw Adora tied up, looking more like a feral beast than a teenage girl.

"Adora?.." I began and simply received an irritated growl from the creature that sat before me. "Adora. Listen to me. Now. I'm sorry for everything, but this does not help anything! You hurt one of my family out of anger you feel towards me, not Perfuma! Please, come back to me. Please, I need you to be here. Not this beast you have become. Please..." I had started to choke up at the end and started crying when I heard a sound I half thought lost forever due to her state, Adora spoke up.

Adora's POV 

"Catra? What happened in here? What are you doing in here? Where's Glimmer and Bow? Why am I tied up? You better not have been doing anything weird..." I had practically screamed at her somewhat fearfully, of course the final statement was a joke. I knew she'd never do anything like that, I'd simply been freaked out by my awakening whilst in bonds.

"You don't r- remember what happened?" Catra had asked hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and told that she was correct in her statement-esque question. "H- how? Do you want to know what you did? I'll tell you if you want, but... you won't like it."

Of course, I asked her to tell me and she definitely was right about my displeasure at my actions. Thankfully, I'd not gone too far. Though, at the time it had been the final straw for me. I wonder if the future would have been different had I not learnt of my actions that fateful day...

I had apologised to Catra for my actions and did the same with Perfuma, Glimmer, Bow and Queen-Mum. Then, I waited for nightfall. Once I knew the castle had fallen into its deepest slumber, I grabbed a bag and snuck out of my room. I went to the kitchen and collected some food and drink.

After stocking up, I left not knowing what was to transpire after I left for the Whispering Woods.

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