Deepest and Darkest Desire

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AN: This was based on an episode of Supernatural. The one shot has been converted from a Kpop fic into a Marvel fic. 


"Morning," Bucky grunted as he stumbled into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge. His head was pounding, stomach rumbling and throat parched; drinking all night had not been his wisest idea.

Steve frowned from his seat the dinner table as Bucky stuffed his face with far more rice than he was capable of, multiple pieces sticking to the side of his mouth. He looked like a mess, to be frank. Half of his hair had been flattened in his sleep, and the other half was sticking straight up. He had also managed to, somehow, put on both his shirt and shorts the wrong way around. Steve had seen him hungover a fair amount but never like this.

"Did you stay in all night?" Bucky asked once he had swallowed, not at all bothered by the judgement directed his way; he was more than used to being on the receiving end of that glance.

Steve only looked down again, returning his attention to his laptop.

"Of course, you did. Don't why I even asked."

"I just don't see the fun in drinking all night with strangers," Steve said at last, "or doing more." He nodded towards the hickey bruising the side of Bucky's neck.

"It was Valentine's day," Bucky shrugged, fingers lightly touching the bruise that he had forgotten. Contrary to Steve's belief (not that it was that far-fetched), he hadn't actually spent the night with anyone. His reputation as a lady's man wasn't quite as infamous as it used to be.

It wasn't for lack of trying, though. He had gone out, fully planning to wake up in a stranger's bed tomorrow, but in the middle of fulfilling said plan things went awry. He had a woman in his arms, a gorgeous woman, but all he could see was your face. All he could think of was your body pressed against his, your lips nibbling and sucking on the side of his neck and his name moaned by your voice.

No matter how hard he tried to forget that train of thought, he just couldn't (and it definitely wasn't for lack of trying). All he could see was you.

All he wanted was you.

He had left the girl soon afterwards, realising that his plan to move on had backfired. You weren't as easy to forget as he had hoped, but really he should have known better. The hold you had on him still, even after months of not seeing each other, was too strong to forget in an evening.

He had slumped into a seat at the corner of the bar, ordering their strongest drink, thinking that if sex wasn't the answer, then alcohol was the next best thing.

Despite his best attempt to keep his attention on the glass in front of him (or anything, really), his thoughts still went to you. Never in his life had he imagined that he would feel this way. You were never supposed to fill such a big part in his life. At first, you were only a passerby that sometimes helped them out on hunts. Neither of you was that fond of each other, having met other hunters who only cared about saving themselves, but you still stuck around and helped each other out, though not without keeping a wary eye at each other.

It didn't take long, though, for you to escape that role, having saved their lives on more than one occasion (more often than he liked to admit). Their trust in you grew, and so did your friendships, and before you knew it, you were travelling with them.

The venture from friendship into something more had happened so slowly, that he didn't even realise himself. He had noticed that he liked spending time with you; he liked hearing you laugh (especially, if it was because of him) and when you chose to share the bed with him rather than Steve because the motels were lacking rooms, his heart galloped. He just hadn't realised that it wasn't usual to feel this way until the hunt where things nearly went wrong.

Deepest and Darkest Desire - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now