The Political Marriage

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Germa 66 was one of the most richest domains but not the first. The emporer's from all around were jealous of how much wealth and power they had but most of all the other princes were jealous of the political marriage. All of the four sons of the Germa domain had to get married to this particular princess no one know why. Germa's domain only had men exept one which was the oldest child that the emperor had Reiju. No one actually knows what she is like because she had never stepped foot out of the castle before. The only main reason why everyone knew about her was because of one of peasants saw her in the castle and spreaded the rumor. (But let's get back to the brothers). Germa had 4 princes but all four were completely different from one another. Ichiji the oldest son was more interested into politics and how to gain more knowledge about the world. Njji the second son always loved to fight and flirt around with women. Sanji the third oldest got his passion of cooking from his mom but his father rufuse to let him cook but knce in a while he sneaks in and cooks a little dish. Then finally Yonji he is the youngest of them all but the only thing he is always into is sleeping and eating. Now let's see what the vinsmoke brothers are up to. 

Training Dojo 

There were loud sword clash noises from the training room everyday because the princes need to in shape in case if there was a war. Only two of the four brothers go there which were Ichiji and Niji, Sanji and Yonji barely go there the only time they go there is when are bored. Ichiji and Niji always sparred with one another ever since they were little kids but Niji was always the one who goes straight for an attack and Ichiji always uses strategy's to defeat his opponent. 

Njji: (Swings sword) Oh come on brother your gonna go easy on me again 

Ichiji: (Smirk) You wish (Dodges the attack and swings his sword to Niji) 

Niji: Since when did you stop using your beain (Laughs) 

Ichiji: Just now (Uses more strength to push Niji back) 

Niji: Aghhh (Falls to the floor to defeat) 

Ichiji: (Points sword at his brother) Now looks like this win goes to me 

Niji: Sure does (Smirk and gets up) 

Then a maid came in asking the two princes to go to the dining room along with their other two brothers to meet with their father. The princes did as they were told and got their as soon as possible. 

Judge: (Looks around) Where the hell is that brat 

Maid: Sorry my lord but princess Reiju could not attend this meeting because of the new illness spreading around the kingdom 

Judge: Then tell her if she doesn't heal for the next 6 months I will ask one of my assistance to kills her understood

Maid: Yes my lord I shall tell her now (Walks to go to Reiju's room) 

Sanji: Father why did you call for us 

Judge: That's the first hearing you say that 

Sanji: Just get to the point why are we all here 

Judge: Well my days are over so I need all four of you to get married to the same princess

Yonji: What why 

Niji: I don't wanna get married to some pathetic helpless woman 

Ichiji: We don't have time wasting our lives with some woman 

Judge: (Angry) This is an order and you shall not rebel against it and if you do then you will have to deal with me 

Brothers: Yes my lord 

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