Power is key to Success

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Back in I/C's domain her father was thinking day and night how to gain more power without having to lose any power. Then the idea came to him during his dream his plan was great but dangerous to approach. He would get Big Mom and her whole domain to be with his side in order to take over Germa. I/C's father only joined up with Germa because if he didn't everything that he worked so hard for would be detroyed so easily by Germa. Not only that he wants his daughter back because she is the only person that ever made him smile during his whole life time. His wife's health was failing which meant that he might have to find a new wife from all of the concubines he had. Many of his advisers told him that if he were to risk anything to gain power than there is no piont on accomplishing this new plan. 

On the Snail phone 

Emperor: Hello is anyone there 

???: Yes and who is this on the Big Mom communication line 

Emperor: I would like to talke to Big Mom herself 

???: Well I'm sorry sir but ... 

Before this person on the other could finish she was interrupted by Big Mom herself answering the phone with her happy voice. The Emperor answered telling her what his plans were for the future and taking over Germa. The other line was silent but all of a sudden Big Mom agreed to his plans which made the Emperor extremely happy. Now he can get more power and have his daughter back in his domain where she should be. 

While Toto Land 

Big Mom: (Laugh) This is the greatest day of my life now we will have more power than ever 

Pudding: Mama what are you taking about now 

Smoothie: She got another allied domain on our side 

Burlee: Isn't that great 

Big Mom: Of course it is now when should have a meeting with this new domain 

Smoothie: Not this week Mama we have a big wedding remember big brother Perospero's wedding 

Big Mom: That's right and the devil kings are going to be there as well 

Pudding: Mama here (Hands her a key) 

Big Mom: What is this key for

Pudding: Remember you asked for the key to the bank of cake 

Smoothie: And Mama big brother Katakuri would like a new staff after our last war with the Blood King Domain

Big Mom: I see I will ask the finest black smith to mend him a new one 

While back in Germa 

I/C was sleeping quietly when all of a sudden she hears someone outside her door, it sounded like a young man wanting to enter her room. So she got up and opened her door with her obi and  a towel on her face not wanting anyone to see her face without proper attire. 

Prince Kai: Ah there she is (Smiles)

I/C: (Rubs her eyes underneath the towel) I'm sorry but who are you 

Prince Kai: I am Prince Kai my father Emperor Daiko took over the Sea Domain

I/C: I'm sorry who 

Prince Kai: Long story short I was known as one of your big brothers

I/C: What are you crazy I don't have any siblings and I never even met you 

Prince Nagono: You sure about that (Shows her a very beautiful hairpin) 

I/C: Hey I remember that I got that when I was six years old and then lost it where did you find it 

Prince Kai: Because you gave it to him when you were little 

I/C: If I knew you when I was little then how come I don't have any memories about you 

Prince Nagono: You fell off a cliff and almost died from that injury that you sustained from the fall 

I/C: Since when and how come my parents never told me 

Prince Kai: Your parents and our parents relationship isn't so good since they did have a war with in another 

I/C: Huh I guess that makes sense but anyway if you don't mind I need to get ready to spend some time with my future husband 

Prince Kai: Since when and who is he 

I/C: Not long amd I don't have one but four 

Prince Nagono: You weren't even paying attention when your father told you that I/C is marrying the Germa brothers 

Prince Kai: Well I'm sorry but I'm tired if all the stupid and lame political crap geez 

I/C: Umm yeah see you guys later (Slams the door) 

After a few hours on trying to the perfect look she had finally accomplished it and putted some makeup on. This time instead of a all white kimono she wore a beautiful gold and red kinono with gorgeous head peices and still had her veil on. Today she decided that she wanted to spend time with her red headed prince. A while later when she was walking to the library where she thought her red headed prince would be. Then she got stopped by Sanji where he looked absolutely worried circling round and round. 

I/C: Sanji what is wrong (Pattig him on the back) 

Sanji: (Hugs I/C then starts tearing up) I/C please tell me what to do 

I/C: (Confused) What happened Sanji kun did something happen 

Sanji: I just learned that my old man geezer friend Zeff is still alive after all this time 

I/C: But that's a good thing isn't it 

Sanji: Yes it is but I was just so happy to hear that new that I wanted to hug someone 

I/C: Oh that makes sense but shouldn't you go see him 

Sanji: I can't I need to stay in the castle after he discovered that I was cooking in the kitchen again 

I/C: You mean your father 

Sanji: Yes and you look lovely today 

I/C: (Cute voice) Thank you Sanji kun and you look handsome as ever 

Sanji: (Blush) Thank you where are you going 

I/C: Just to the library to read some books 

Sanji: Sounds like something Ichiji would do 

I/C: Actually I'm looking for him so do you think he's there 

Sanji: He should be because that's where he usually is during the day and night time 

I/C: He must really like books huh 

Sanji: No kidding ever since a child 



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