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I/C had to spend the last couple of days for the last month of her pregnancy in the brothers tightly concealed room full of pillows. The only time she could leave was when she needed to use the restroom or her other needs. From time to time the brothers would check up on I/C to make sure that she is comfortable as possible. 

Niji: Hmm

I/C: Is there something wrong 

Niji: May I lay on your belly 

I/C: (Blush) Go right on ahead 

Niji: You sure 

I/C: (Nods) Of course 

Niji: (Gently laying his head down) Wow 

I/C: Yeah did you feel that the baby's foot was right where you put your face (Smile) 

Niji: (Sigh) My goodness what am I going to do 

I/C: Huh whats wrong Niji 

Niji: (Hugs her gently as possible) I love you and I'm lucky enough to have you as a wife unlike other women 

Those words made I/C so happy that she started crying out of nowhere this made Niji freak out a little. But then the tears quickly dried away just as fast as they were built up. That wasn't the only incident she found happy about. There was the time where Ichiji had his turn with I/C. 

Ichiji: (Brings book) Here 

I/C: What are these for 

Ichiji: For the baby when he or she is born 

I/C: You are sure gonna be an awesome dad 

Ichiji: Why thank you 

I/C: (Giggle) Your welcome (Stomach growls) 

Ichiji: Are you hungry 

I/C: Just a little 

Ichiji: Ok I'll make you something 

I/C: Umm ok what are you going to make 

Ichiji: That's going to be a surprise 

Half an Hour past and Ichiji re-entered the room with a cart full of food. 

I/C: Wow did you really make all that 

Ichiji: Yup sheer hard work in half an hour, now here eat up 

I/C: Oh wow you made me my favorite M/N (Kisses him on the cheek) thank you honey 

Ichiji: (Blushes) No problem 

I/C: (Picks up chopsticks) Mmm it smells so good can't wait to dig in 

Ichiji: Wait 

I/C: What is there something wrong 

Ichiji: (Shyly) Can I feed it to you 

I/C: (Blushes and Smiles) Sure ahhhhhhh

Ichiji: (Thoughts: She so cute oh I just wanna hug her so badly but it might hurt the baby so better be safe than sorry) Here 

I/C: Mmmm it's so good ahhh 

Ichiji: Here you go 

I/C: Thank you 

That day was like a dream. But back to I/C she's in her room reading the books about a pregnancy. Suddenly she felt something wet between her leg then she realized her water just broke so she panicked. Doctor and Nurse immediately rushed in to help her. When hearing the news  of I/C in labor the brothers made a huge stampede in the hall. It took about eight hours for I/C to officially give birth.

Doctor: Your highnesses you may enter to see your children

Ichiji: How is I/C

Doctor: Exhausted but she will be fine

Sanji: That's great to hear

Niji: Well the two of you are in the way move I wanna see my child 

Yonji: Yeah move twirly eye brows

Ichiji: Have you seen yourself

They finished arguing knowing that they might disturb I/C and the newly born babies. 

I/C: (Tired) Ichiji, Niji, Sanji, Yonji come look at your sons

Ichiji: Their beautiful

I/C: (Tired) Don't they look like you 

Niji: What a beautiful baby you are 

Nurse: By the way Queen what are you going to name them

I/C: Ichijoji for Ichiji's son, Nanji for Niji's son, Sanjo for Sanji's son, and Yunji for Yonji's son 

Nurse: Those are all beautiful names

Yonji: They sure are

Sanji: Now all we have to do is raise them

Nurse: Excuse me your highnesses but you need to step out for a moment 

Niji: Why is that

Nurse: She needs to breastfeed the babies starting today

Ichiji: I see let's go guys

A week after the babies were born the brothers barely had time to train or even do some paperwork. 

Ichiji: Oh my god can you do this one I/C I just can't get use to the smell

I/C: Fine come here Ichijoji 

Ichijoji: (Crawls towards I/C) Mmmhmmm

I/C: Good boy (Changes diaper) 

Niji: Hon do you mind helping me feed this little monster

I/C: Isn't that you when you were a baby

Niji: Oh shush 

I/C: Anyway just do the bird trick

Niji: And what is that trick

I/C: Nanji look over here, here come the birdy now say ahh

Nanji: Ahhh (Eats the baby food) 

I/C: See it's not so hard anyway have you seen Yonji and Yunji

Sanji: Found them (Removes pillow fort)

Yonji and Yunji: (Snoring) Hmmm

I/C: I guess their just tired just let them rest (Puts blanket over them)

Sanji: It looks like were running out of baby food so I'll be back I just need some more fruits and vegetables 

I/C: Ok and be careful 

Sanji: Don't worry I will 

He exited the castle shortly after

TBC Sorry for the hold up there is so many things that I'm doing this summer so I'm very sorry for the wait thank you for your patience 

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