Chapter 13 Take it easy {Part 1}

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 Hey guys  heres 13 enjoy

Mr. Davenport's P.O.V.

 Leo and I rushed down stairs and I saw my youngest son on the floor behind the couch crying holding his ears wile Adam and Bree were confirming him. We rushed to there side, I sat in front of Chase. '' Hey buddy why are you crying''? I asked calmly. '' My ears hurt''. Chase croaked.

'' Okay Chase where does it hurt''? I asked in concerned. '' Both''. Chase replied still crying.  I hugged him tight. '' Hey Adam get  the  alcohol from in the kitchen, Please thank you''?  I asked politely. Then Adam got up and walked to the kitchen, and came back. He gave it to me and I opened it. 

 '' Chase buddy lean your head to the side''? I asked nicely. Then he did what he was told. I poured a little bit in his ear. '' Now Chase keep you head leaning like that okay''?  I said in a clam voice. Then We all headed to bed. 

The next morning I woke up, I walked in the living room and saw my youngest son on the couch asleep and the rest of them were on the floor sleeping. I walked over to Chase and put my hand  on his forehead then Adam,Bree and Leo woke  up. '' Oh hey Mr. Davenport''? Bree said in sleepy voice Then they got up and walked towards me.

Then we headed to the kitchen and fixed breakfast. A hour later we all piled in the living room to watch TV. The Chase suddenly had a coughing fit. I got up and rubbed his back to sooth his coughing down a little. It worked a little. Bree walked towards me. ''Is he okay''? She asked. I sighed.'' I guess so''. I continued rubbing his back. 

Bree's P.O.V.

I got up and headed to the kitchen . As I walked in the kitchen, I had a text message from Hannah, It read

Hannah: * Do you want to go to the movies with Owen and I with some girls*

Me: Um sure let me ask my dad first*

Hannah: Okay good luck* 

 I then put my phone in my pocket and walked to Mr. Davenport who was still rubbing on my little brothers back trying to get him. I was crossing my figures behind my back hopping he would say yes. ''   Hey Mr. Davenport?''  I said nervelessly stepping to him.

 What is it Bree''. Davenport Asked confirming Chase. '' So can I go to movies with some girls tonight'' I asked waiting for an answer to come. He took a thought. '' No'' . He said getting up walking to me. '' What why not?'' I asked. He sighed ''Because I said so.'' '' So what you don't trust me?'' I asked turning around seeing him walking in the kitchen

 He sighed again taking another wiled guess. ''Fine you can go''. He replied. Yes thank you so much. I said then got ready. An hour later, I left.

Adam's P.O.V.

I got up from the living room and  walked in the kitchen where Mr. Davenport was in the kitchen. '' Hey Adam''? He said . Hi Mr. Davenport''. I replied. He sighed. '' What''? I asked. Nothing I have to go the store and I have no one to take care of Chase''. He explained.

'' Hey I could watch him for you'' asked. He sighed once more. '' Can I trust you''? He asked. ''What there to trust Mr. Davenport''? I replied. '' Okay ''. He start. '' But call me if you need me okay. I nodded the he left. I walked over to Chase and sat down An hour later, Chase wake up.

''Hey buddy how are you feeling''. I asked.'' A little better.'' He replied. I put my hand on his forehead. '' Your worm''. I said taking it off. He had a coughing fit, I rubbed his back. ''Are you okay Chasey ''? I asked in concerned. He grabbed my shirt and sneezed. '' Bless you''. I said. Thank you''. He said. Then he fell right back to sleep. I walked in the kitchen and Leo walked behind me. Hello''  Leo said.  Hi'' I replied. Whats up''? Leo asked. Oh nothing''.

Mr. Davenport went to the store and Bree went to the movies, I think. '' I explained. He nodded and left An hour later, I was in the living room watching Chase, when suddenly he woke up. '' Adam''?He wined. I looked with worry. What's wrong''? I asked Then Chase gagged and he puked a Little on the floor.  

I quickly grabbed a trash Can a put it under his mouth. I continued rubbing his back as he puked in the trash can contently.'' Adam, Gross''. He wined then puked again. '' I know Chase just let it out buddy. I comfort him. After that, he fell asleep. A little wile longer Davenport came through the door.'' Hey hows Chase'' He asked. I shook my head,

''He just threw up an hour ago" I answered. He rushed to Chase who was on the couch. He put his hand on his forehead and felt his cheek and all around his stomach neck. He sighed. Get the thermometer please Adam?'' He asked .

I grabbed the thermometer and he put it in his mouth. A few seconds later, It beeped.  It read, 105.3 its high Adam, Very high.  He said. ''What are we gonna do Mr.Davenport''? I asked in concerned. '' I don't know Adam, I don't know. He replied '' I guess  I have to call the bionic doctor tomorrow. ''He said. I sighed

Later that night Bree walked through the door.'' Hi Bree. I asked. Hi Adam'' She replied. So how was the movie''? I said. '' Oh it was awful, spoiler alert the girl dies at the end, someone said that out loud. She complained. I giggled a little and walked out the room. We all headed to bed. 

  Sup bros, how was that. Sorry I havent updated in a wile, I have been realy bussy this week ,no lie. Anyways I hope you liked it commet vote on it and I'll see you later, Stay cool :)

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