Chapter 25

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Donald's pov

I woke up and I took a shower.  I went out of the shower and got dressed. I headed down stairs and saw my youngest not on the couch. I panicked.

"Chase?!" I shouted. I then heard Chase in the bathroom, crying. I rushed there.

"Chase!?" I said as I opened the door. I kneeled downto him. "Shhh, hey. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I soothed him. "I–I d–dont know" He started to cry even harder. "Come here." I said. He laid on my shoulder. And I comfort him. "Did you have a nother one your seizure?" I asked. He shook his head. "Okay." I said. Later I put Chase to bed in my bedroom and headed down to the kitchen. "Hey kids?" I asked.  "Yeah" they replied. "I had just put Chase to sleep."I said. "Okay" Adam said.

Hours later. Tasha started to cook supper. We all ate. I headed up stair and Chase still asleep. I walked over to him. Then I put a hand on his forehead. Then Tasha came in. "Is he okay?" She asked walking towards us. "He burning up." I told her. "Poor baby" Tasha said. "Yeah" I added. I sighed. Later on I have been with Chase all day long. He had been coughing, whining, crying,Whimping, and a little bit of throwing up. He fell asleep in about...10:00.

Chase woke up. I looked at him straight in the eye. He opened his eyes a little. Tasha and I looked at him. He then closes eyes. He then fell asleep. I looked at Tasha, and smiled. I put a hand on his forehead. And his cheek. I panicked in the inside. My heart was racing fast.

"Tasha?" I panicly said.

"What's wrong?" He replied looking with concern.

"Get the thermometer" I said. She got up and got it. Then rush back to give it to to me. I stuck it in his mouth. He opened his eyes a little and look at me. "Dad."He whined "I know. I know buddy" I said calmly. I uncovered him. He was all sweaty. Then it beeped. I then pulled it out out. Then it read...205.3.

I gasped. So did Tasha. "That's way too high." Tasha said.

"I know" I replied

"Daddy" he cried. I looked at him. "Hey its okay" I soothed. "Dad" He whimpered.

I saw him clutching his stomach.

"Shhhhh, I know its hurting." I soothed.

I stroked his hair, while he was whimpering. "Daddy, make it stop?" Chase cried.

"I know buddy,I wish I could." I said still stroking his hair smoothly.

"What's wrong him Donald?" Tasha asked in concerned.

"Well...when he was always in pain like this when he was little... he would never say Mr Davenport...ever...intill the pain was gone...he would always much...that it would make him sick...but not like this sick." I explained.

"Oh. Honny" Tasha said. "Ill be back." I said. I headed to the bathroom.

"Dad,nooo." Chase cried. I turned around to look at him. "What's wrong?" I asked calmly. "Don't go" he said,looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Buddy,I'm just going to the bathroom"I said smiling. "Can you bring me a trash can, please?" Chase said. I gave a week smile, with concerned. I nodded. Then walked in the bathroom.

Chase's pov.

'Dad' walked in the bathroom and another shot of pain went through my stomach. I grabbed Tashas shirt quickly. Then she looked at me. "As sweetie are you okay?''She asked. "No,mommy make it stop" I said. I started to cry in the bed sheets.

"Awww, sweetheart, it okay buddy" She said while she letter me up to her arms,I cried in her arms. "Shhh,shhh,shhh." She soothed. "Get dad"I said. Still crying. "Shhh, okay baby, okay,hold on" she soothed. "Donald!" She shouted. "Hold on" he replied. "Chase wants you!" Tasha shouted. "Tasha not so loud." I cried covering my ears.

"Awww baby I'm sorry." She said. "Dad?" I said, feeling some vomit come up. I legged my head up and looked at Tasha. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I think this is what Mr Davenport was talking about. Me crying so much, I could mke my self sick. It was coming up. "Hmmm,Tasha?" I said. Fixing to puke. "What's wrong" She asked.

"I don't" I couldn't finish. Its coming up. I held my mouth. "Tasha!?" I shouted. She sat up quickly. "What what's wrong?!" She panicked. "Puke" I said, with a hand on my mouth. "Oh! Okay" Tasha said. "Okay lets walk you to the bathroom." She said. Then I grabbed her shirt from the back. "Donald, Chase needs to get in there. We didn't make it the bathroom. By the time the middle of the floor. I stopped, I couldn't make it. I ended up throwing up on the floor. "Oh my goodness." She said. She then rubbed my back. She looked at the bathroom door. Still rubbing my back. "Donald" she shouted. Then finally he answered. "What!" He reply. "You son is puking." She said. He quickly opened the bathroom door.

"What happened?" He asked. Once he saw my eyes, he rushed.

"Okay buddy you gonna be alright." He said. "Lets clean you up" he said. Then he cleaned me up,in the bathroom.

The finally got me to sleep.

Donalds pov

Tasha and I were stroking Chase's hair.

Tasha kept looking at me. I looked at her.

I smiled at her. "What?" I asked, with a smile. "Let me tell you something" she said. "I'm listening." I said.

"When Chase was in pain...he...he said.Mommy make it stop." Tasha explained.

"What,he said that?" I asked. Then looked at Chase,with worried.

"Oh man." I said.

Tasha kept nodding.

"Yeah,I know." Tasha said.

"You know tomorrow,I will go the see the doctor and I will Ned the doctrr to her us that medicine he gave us that day. You know with the side effects." I said. Then I rubbed Chase's back.

"Okay, call them tomorrow, and will see of the medicine works." Tasha said.

"Okay,I will." I said. "Goodnight" Tasha said. "Goodnight." I replied. Then kissed her on the cheek. I kissed my youngest on the forehead. Then fell asleep.

Hey guys how was that so far, feel free to review,see ya later. Stay awesome!

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