Chapter 1

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"Hey Alexis, let's go somewhere."
I look up from my kindle at my cousin, Sia in what can only be described as frustration. "You know I will not move from this spot till I complete reading few more chapters. Go alone." I try to go back to my fantasy world to read more about the sexiness of my book boyfriend of the week. Key word: try. "You always do this. I'm going back home in few hours. Lets go out," she pouts. Boy is she pissed. Can't really blame her. But she knows me. I mean I AM READING. Not even god can pry away my ebook from my fingers once I get into it. And I am so into it. Ugh! The sacrifices you make for the ones you love. I turn the device off and mumble,"What do you have in mind?"
"Let's go check out the new bowling place at the strip, Ray told me it's bomb."
"Fine. But you're buying me dinner for the torture about to commence."
She rolls her eyes. "Ok drama queen. Now chop chop, we have to get ready if you want to get back before the curfew."

"Hey." I enter the guest room where Sia has been staying from the past 2 days. It has a queen sized bed with chocolate brown headboard and side tables. The pistachio green curtains block out the view of the backyard and the attached marble tiled bathroom is a absolute disaster. Every makeup and hair product known to man and god is scattered on every surface of the changing area. But I don't comment on any of it. Trust me it's better this way. "Are you ready to go?"
Sia pauses in the act of poking and stabbing her eyes and surveys me in a way I feel insecure as fuck about my simple blue jeans and white off shoulder top. "This is what you are going to wear?", she sounds surprised. I don't know why. I mean watching her get ready is exhausting enough for me. I don't want to imagine how tiring it will be for me to actually put effort in getting done up like her. So I just give her THE LOOK. The look where I stare at her in a way that, according to her, makes her feel like she is butt of a joke and I'm having fun in my head on her expense. "Fine. Wear whatever you want. By the way I asked Ryan and his friends to tag along if it's okay with you?"
Ryan is her boyfriend of 3 years. In the starting of their relationship I thought they were just having fun but their feelings progressed as the months went by. They are a definition of slow burn romance. The way he holds her hand and treats her when they are together makes me like him even more. He makes me feel like she is precious to him whenever I see them and she feels like that too and it's enough for me. "Sure. Now can we go before I change my mind and decide it's not worth it to ditch my books to go out with you?"
"That was mean. You are mean", she says like she is not used to me being a meanie. I just give her a droll look and make my way downstairs.

One hour later we finally reach our destination and go inside the obnoxiously loud place that, for reasons unfathomable to me, is a coolest new "hangout" spot for youth of Benders Bay. 'Fear' by Score is playing as we make our way towards where the guys are sitting around a round table with chairs around it. Ryan's friend Blake sees us first and nudges Ryan and Sean to make room for us. I've met Blake and Sean few times over the years but it was always in a group outing so I don't know them much. In fact we are acquaintance at best. My sister, Ryan and his friends are all in sophomore year at University Of Barthalow which is 2 hours away from our town. Our summer is coming to an end with my school and her college starting for a new semester and I am going to miss her.

"Hey gorgeous. I missed you", Ryan stands as we finally reach the table, wraps his arms around my sister and proceeds to kiss the fuck out of her. By the time they finally come up for air after hours of saliva exchange, I am already seated and ordering the food because I'm fucking starving dude. They both sit down, in separate seats, thank god! She is all shy and sweet now. Placated and almost purring with the petting she got, but not for long. The she devil in her will rise again, as she usually does, mostly directed at girls who dare to try flirting with her boyfriend. It is a matter of time my friend.

"You soul-eating-grandmother-of-a-whoremonger. You bitch! How dare you!" Sia's shrieks are really grating on my ears and for a second I debate waiting outside for the drama to end but as I see Ryan try -and fail- to wrestle my sister back towards the exit I finally decide this shit is entertaining as hell and I should enjoy the show. As predicted, a girl flirted with Ryan and when he politely ignored her the chick got bold. Sia saw that. Good for Ryan, bad for the chick. And here we are with Ryan trying to contain his spitfire of a girlfriend, Sia still trying to punch the girl, Sean and Blake standing on sidelines uneasy and unsure about what they are supposed to do in this situation and all the other people hoping for a fight for entertaining purposes. Then there is moi, sitting back in my chair finishing the last of food and shake after bowling with Sia and co. I finally finish last of my grilled cheese sandwich and pay the bill. As I don't have food to keep me company during the bitch-fest, I decide it's time to end this free-for-all show. Sia is still busy swearing in her very unique and colorful way, the chick is trying to gain feet on Sia but is failing to do so, they don't notice when two glasses full, plain water for Sia and sticky and sweet liquid for the chick of course, splash them straight on the side of their faces. It's comical to watch how quickly they both shut their traps and shoot me incredulous looks. I calmly set the glasses on the table closest to me, take Sia's hand and drag her away. Ryan's relieved sigh can be heard in amidst relatively low sounds coming from the patrons of the diner side of the bowling-karaoke-diner place we spent our evening at.

It is at the moment we are exiting the doorway of the building that I almost trip on my own feet. He is tall, almost 6'2". This is the first thing that I notice about him. Black haired and fair toned, he has an exotic look about him. I can't see the colour or depth of his eyes as some heroines in my novels tend to see at first glance but I see him gazing down at me with interest while I appreciate the handsomeness of his face and hotness of his body. The guy knows how to dress. He manages to look classy even in his Blue denim jeans and white T-shirt. His buddies suddenly come behind him and the moment is lost. He continues on his way inside and I continue to make my way towards Sia's car. Who was he? The question lingers in my head and for some reason he does too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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