1. Underswap! Sans X Mute! Reader

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[I'm not really sure why a lot of people put '!' after the name of the AU, but I'm doing it, too.]

[Forgive my spelling errors. Sometimes I type fast.]

[So, starting off with Underswap. I was going to do Baby Bones, but I decided on this. If you don't know, Underswap is an AU where the characters are swapped. The most important thing you need to know is that Sans is swapped with Papyrus. I don't know if I said this before, but I've never done AU oneshots before except for Underfell and US! Papyrus, never tried US Sans. Never done a mute reader, either, except for that one oneshot with UT Undyne in my first oneshot book. So, please don't judge these too harshly..]- Quickstorm

The snow crunched under your boots as you continued forward, shuddering slightly at the coldness of this place. How you had fallen down here, you weren't really sure. You couldn't remember anything from before you fell. Then, a monster named Asgore had showed up, and you trusted him slightly once you saw he wasn't going to hurt you. But, as he started leading you through the Ruins, you had run away from him, maybe thinking that he could be faking his niceness. You had gone through a door, and ended up in this forest. Which, wasn't the best idea, but it was all you could do. You glanced around, seeing no monsters. That was good, right? You stopped for a moment, seeing the snowflakes that were still falling. If there were monsters around here, which there probably were, would they try to hurt you? You had been told bad things about the monsters Underground for a long time, but that was all you could really remember. You had been told they were dangerous, and would kill anyone who fell down there with no questions asked. You lifted a hand, carefully touching it to your forehead, and flinched as you felt blood. You had forgotten about the cut on your head, probably caused from when you fell. Asgore had said he would heal you, but you ran from him before he had a chance to. He was, however, slightly confused and weirded out when you hadn't said a word to him when he'd found you.

But.. You couldn't. You were mute. You slightly remembered the fact that this had been caused by some type of accident. But, you knew ASL and could sign, which most people couldn't. They didn't understand it, so when you'd met people, you often had to write out what you wanted to say. It kind of annoyed you, but some people had been your friends despite the fact that you couldn't speak. They had always protected you when other people chose to bully you because of this. You weren't sure how you remembered that, but you did, even after falling. You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts as you heard footsteps, causing you to tense slightly. You had been so deep in thought, that you hadn't heard them until now. I-it wasn't a monster, was it? If it was a monster, it was probably going to kill you. You suddenly heard a crack, and looked up. The tree branch you were standing under was breaking, and you immediately froze to the spot. You couldn't move at all. There was the sudden sound of running footsteps, and something slammed hard into you, knocking you back into the snow, where you gave a silent yelp. Slowly, you looked up, your eyes widening at what stood in front of you.

It was a skeleton. He wore mostly gray armor, and a blue, slightly torn scarf, as well as blue boots and gloves. He stood there for a moment, his blue pupils looking you over, and after a moment, he smiled nervously. "UH, HI! I'M SANS, A.K.A THE MAGNIFICENT SANS, AND I'M SORRY FOR PUSHING YOU. BUT, YOU WEREN'T MOVING, SO..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, as a slight blue blush appeared on his face. You just sat there in the snow and stared at him with a slightly confused and scared expression, moving yourself back. Sans tilted his head in confusion, taking a step forward, where you moved back. He didn't seem like he was dangerous, but... "HEY, HUMAN, IT'S- WAIT, HUMAN?!" Sans looked you over for a second time, his blue pupils becoming yellow stars as he realized. However, this only scared you more, and you moved back again, still not able to stand. "OH, MY GOSH, I FINALLY CAPTURED A HUMAN! AN ACTUAL HUMAN! ALPHYS IS GOING TO BE SO PROUD OF ME, AND-" Sans stopped as he saw the terrified expression you were giving him, and chuckled nervously. "SORRY. I JUST.. I'VE NEVER SEEN A HUMAN BEFORE." His eyes returned to the normal blue pupils, and you gave a silent whimper, meeting his gaze.

"OH MY GOSH, I'M SORRY, I DON'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! LOOK, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TOLD ABOUT US MONSTERS, BUT... I'M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU. IT'S ALRIGHT." The skeleton smiled softly, stepping toward you again, and it took everything you had not to move away. Sans suddenly looked slightly confused, his pupils moving over you for a third time. "IS SOMETHING WRONG, HUMAN? YOU HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING...." Sans looked slightly worried, stepping closer. He knelt, offering you a hand, which, after a moment, you took, trembling out of fear. He could just be faking it.. "HEY, I WON'T HURT YOU. OH, JEEZ, YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Sans almost shouted, his eyes growing wide as he saw the cut on your forehead, which you could now feel was slightly dripping blood. Sans slowly reached forward, probably so as not to scare you more than you already were, gently wiping some blood away from your cut. It took everything you had not to flinch. "THERE. DON'T WORRY, MY BROTHER CAN HEAL YOU. OR, I COULD TRY, BUT I'VE ONLY DONE IT ONCE..." The skeleton reached a hand forward, making you tense up as both his eyes lit up in a blue glow, and though it stung slightly and made you wince, he somehow managed to heal it.

Sans carefully pulled back, and you only met his gaze as he smiled softly. "THERE YOU GO, HUMAN. OH, WAIT, I DIDN'T-" You flinched slightly as some blood dripped onto your face, and Sans gave you an apologetic look as you wiped it. "SORRY, I GUESS I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW MAGIC WORKS YET..." You just shook your head, and raised shaking hands, since you still didn't quite trust him, but still tried your best to sign. "It's okay. Oh, you never got my name, did you? My name is [Y/n]." Sans's eyes widened as he saw your signing, but eventually nodded. "OH, [Y/N]? THAT'S PRETTY. I'M GOING TO TAKE YOU TO MY BROTHER, PAPYRUS, ALRIGHT? HE'LL KNOW WHAT TO DO FOR YOUR WOUND." You sighed silently as you realized that you wouldn't have to write what you wanted to say down. Sans knew ASL, how you weren't really sure, but that didn't matter. You gave the skeleton a nod at his question. "Okay." You let your hand drop to your sides as you finished, tensing slightly as Sans stepped close. He gently wrapped his arms around you, and it took a moment, but you just allowed him to hug you, not trying to pull away at all. Wait, why was he hugging you?

"THIS WON'T HURT.. BUT, I DO NEED TO DO IT. IT'S ALRIGHT, HUMAN." Sans reassured, and you paused. What was the skeleton doing- His magic. His magic just suddenly made you want to sleep, but you knew he was only trying to help, but you couldn't resist any longer, and your eyes closed as you went limp against him. Sans moved his gaze to you just to make sure you were okay, his expression gentle. He surrounded both you and himself in magic and teleported, knowing full well what he was doing. He appeared in both his and Papyrus's house, placing you carefully on the couch, and throwing a blanket over you. Sans had no idea where Papyrus was, he was probably going to have to go find him, again. Sans sighed, but smiled as he looked at you, gently ruffling your hair as he passed. "YOU'RE SAFE WITH US, HUMAN." Sans murmured quietly before he went up the stairs, having the full intent of finding his brother to heal you. And, maybe, when you woke up later, he could give you a cooking lesson. He would be your friend, no matter what it took.

[First oneshot done! It took a lot of thought, and even though US isn't one of my favorite favorite AUs, I still like it. I hope you guys liked this, too!]- Quickstorm

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