3. Inktale! Sans X Slightly Corrupted! Reader

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[Inktale is an AU where Sans is the only one who exists, and it's his job to protect all the other AUs from a certain black skeleton *Error Sans*. And, just a quick warning, this oneshot contains fluffiness and cuteness.]- Quickstorm

"Ink?" You asked, but all you got was dead silence. You looked around for the skeleton, as if he might suddenly show up, but he didn't. Where was he? A few months ago, Ink saved you when your universe was falling apart around you. However, he was just a little too late to save your friends, and they had been destroyed along with the universe. Also, you had been slightly corrupted because you had stayed there just slightly too long, giving you silver-colored horns, and some spikes down your back. But, they weren't painful to someone if they tried to hug you, because they were more rounded rather than pointed. "Iiiiink?" You asked again, trailing his name on for slightly longer this time, but still got nothing. Ink's real name was Sans, but since he liked to draw, which you had found him doing several times, you had started to call him Ink. It had surprised him the first few times, but he eventually accepted it. His pupils were also slightly strange, but you found them pretty. One was a star shape, yellow in color, and the other was a normal circle, a light blue. You paused, taking in a breath, and then "Ink!" You almost shouted, and you paused at the silence, sighing. He wasn't showing up. Which, left you no choice but to go and find him. You hesitated for a long moment, and then slowly went into one of the skeleton's rooms.

He was there, and it looked like he was sketching something, which he did a lot. However, you stared in confusion as you realized Ink was drinking... Paint? What in the heck? How? Ink returned his attention to his sketch soon after, and you slowly walked in, causing him to put down his pencil and look at you. "Oh, hi, [Y/n]." Ink greeted you with a slight smile, which you returned, but then gave him a confused look. "Uh... Ink, why were you drinking paint?" You asked, choosing your words very carefully so as not to have him take it the wrong way. Ink just looked at you for a moment, but then pulled something off of his belt. It was a paint container, and it still had paint in it. "This? Well, I.. I have to drink these in order to feel emotions. Since, I don't have a Soul." Ink explained, carefully placing the container back on his belt, while you nodded slowly, still slightly weirded out. You knew that Ink didn't have a Soul, but you never knew much else about him. "Okay....." You said slowly, stepping closer to see what he was sketching. You couldn't really tell what it was, though, because he hadn't finished. You watched as Ink picked up his pencil again, his pupils gleaming, despite him being a skeleton. After a moment, Ink looked up at you, dropping his pencil again. "Do you want to draw with me?" Ink asked, giving you a slightly confused, but mostly hopeful look. He also had a small, yet bright smile on his face.

You thought over it for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not?" You said with a shrug, and what Ink did next surprised and worried you. He.. He seemed to have puked up black ink... Your eyes widened slightly, and you looked worried. "Ink, are you okay?" You asked, and Ink, after taking a moment to recover, nodded. "Yeah. That just happens when I get excited..." The skeleton trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as a slight, rainbow-colored blush appeared on his face. You'd seen Ink blush before, and even though it was a bit strange, it amazed you at how he could blush in a rainbow. After calming yourself, so that maybe you wouldn't freak out at all these weird and cool things your friend was able to do, you began to attempt to draw. You had some drawing skill, and your drawings weren't the best, but they were decent. You had also learned never to touch Ink's sketchbook, because one time you had, and all the AUs he had drawn in there started showing up, and trying to kill you. But, Ink managed to put them back, and he'd forgiven you, even though he had warned you not to touch it earlier.

You suddenly froze, your gaze moving to the skeleton, causing him to tense. Ink had a hand extended toward your horns, but he quickly pulled it back, an unreadable expression on his face. He mostly looked scared that you would be mad at him or something, and he quickly looked away. "U-um..." Ink began, but the words seemed to catch in his throat, *or lack of one*, and quickly pulled his hand back farther. You, however, gave him a reassuring look, and put your head near him, lowering it slightly. "Go ahead." You said with a soft smile, and Ink lifted his hand again, carefully touching it to one of your horns. His eyes went wide, and you couldn't help but smile. Ink quickly pulled back, hiding his face in his long, brown scarf. You chuckled softly, gently nudging him until he looked at you. "Ink, you're so weird. But, I love you, anyway." You had told him this before, and he had blushed up a storm, just like he did now. "I-I know." Ink stammered, giving you a gentle smile. Nothing rarely ever made him stammer, except when he got very nervous. Ink finally calmed down, and he looked straight at you, his pupils slightly darker than they normally were.

"Ink?" You asked nervously, but he just smiled. Before you could even move, Ink put a hand to your ribcage and began tickling you, causing you to fall backwards. You tried your hardest to push him off, but he just tickled you more, to where you couldn't do anything to him. "I-ink... Please.. Please, stahp!" You managed, despite your laugh attack, and Ink finally let up on the tickling to allow you to breathe. As soon as you were able to speak again, you gave the skeleton a dark glare. "Oh, you're going to wish you hadn't done that." You said, getting to your feet, and Ink immediately began to back away, a nervous expression on his face. "Wait, [Y/n], I'm sorry! I-I-" You tackled him and slammed him down, cutting him off. Ink gave you a desperate look, trying to push you off, but he couldn't. "P-please, [Y/n], I-" You placed a hand over the skeleton's mouth to silence him, carefully pinning his wrists so that there was no possible way he could push you off. "Shh..." You said quietly, and Ink gave a slight whimper, finally just going limp, since he had realized that there was pretty much nothing he could do. You met his gaze for a moment, deciding not to tickle him.

Ink couldn't really handle tickling, he would probably die from laughing before he even got the chance to try and push you off. And, since you didn't want to kill him, you would have to do the next best thing. You smiled softly at Ink, and gently kissed his forehead, causing him to blush in a deep rainbow. He said said nothing, but his eyes were slightly wide, and you chuckled softly at the fact you had made him blush so much. Ink finally rolled his eyes at you with a smile, and very gently pushed you off of him, which you allowed. You moved back slightly, and the two of you just stared at one another for a few moments. Ink hesitated, and then wrapped his arms around you, being mindful of the spikes down your back, and you relaxed into him. You had no idea why he was hugging you, but you didn't really care. "You're awfully soft for a skeleton, Ink." Your words broke the silence that had filled the room, and Ink looked confused, a slight blush on his face. "I... Uh, thanks?" Ink asked, raising a bone eyebrow, and you very gently moved your head into his chest, which he didn't mind. Even though the skeleton didn't have a heartbeat, because he had no Soul, he was still strangely warm, but you didn't question it. After a few moments, you finally looked at Ink, only for him to gently poke your nose, surprising you. "Boop!" Ink said with a smile, and you just sighed and shook your head, smiling at him. "Ink, do I really need to kiss you again?" You asked, partly meaning for it to be some type of threat, which didn't happen. Ink only smiled at your question. "You can if you really have to. I wouldn't mind it, at least, not too much." You smiled softly at the skeleton, and though you didn't say it Ink, why are you adorable when you want to be?

[That was kind of a strange one, but, hey, I tried!]- Quickstorm

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