11. Underfell! Papyrus X Reader

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[Okay, okay, I was going to do Birdtale, but I thought up this. Not completely, as usaul, so I'll just do my best. And I'm really sorry Birdtale is taking so long, because I mentioned it back in the Cross Sans oneshot. It's not that I don't like Birdtale, I find it really cool that they have wings, but I keep thinking of other oneshots, so my bad. So, here's that other Underfell one, sorry if it's not that great..]- Quickstorm

You blinked with a soft groan, recognizing that you were in the skeleton brothers' house almost instantly. It took you a moment to fully remember what happened, mostly because everything hurt and you felt very sore. Mettaton, who was a very dangerous robot, had tried to hurt you, and he had landed several hits on you, but then, Papyrus had saved you. The skeleton had impaled Mettaton with several bone attacks, shouting at him that no one messed with you. He hadn't killed the robot, but he'd managed to get you out of there, and then you'd blacked out. You blinked again, completely clearing your vision this time, and saw Papyrus. He was pacing, muttering under his breath as he looked panicked and worried. "P-papyrus...?" You barely managed, and Papyrus immediately looked in your direction, letting out a sigh of relief. "YOU'RE ALRIGHT, THANK ASGORE. I THOUGHT HE KILLED YOU..." The skeleton's eyes darkened as he said the last part, and you tried to smile, only to wince. However, you looked to find yourself bandaged where Mettaton had landed hits on you, and you gave Papyrus a soft, yet slightly pained smile. "T-thank you..." You stammered out, realizing that it hurt even to speak.

Papyrus just nodded, looking you over to make sure you were actually okay. That was when you noticed the dust and.. apparently blood on his black armor, also seeing that his dark red scarf was slightly more torn up. "P-papyrus...!" Papyrus followed your gaze, and he quickly shook his head. "NO, NO, IT'S ALRIGHT. I'M FINE." He reassured, and though you looked slightly unconvinced for a moment, you said nothing for a few seconds. You then looked around, your gaze becoming slightly confused as you saw Sans was nowhere. "..Papyrus... W-where's Sans?" You had to kind of force the words out, and Papyrus looked thoughtful for a moment, before he looked in the direction of the front door. "HE HAD TO GO TO HIS POST IN MY PLACE, BUT HE MADE YOU SOME TEA. AND, I MADE SPAGHETTI!" Wow, Papyrus was staying here with you, even if he had to miss his sentry patrol? He cared about you a lot. You smiled as you saw the skeleton's eyesockets gleaming with excitement, chuckling a little. You then gave him an apologetic look as you realized. "I-I'm sorry, but... I can't really eat right now... I-if I tried... I'd probably puke my actual guts out..." Papyrus gave you a concerned look, but it shifted as he spoke. "RIGHT, RIGHT, YOU NEED YOUR GUTS. ARE YOU GOING TO BE OKAY?" The skeleton tilted his head slightly, and you barely nodded, but he still saw. "Yeah, I'll be fine... E-eventually..." You gave your friend a reassuring look, and he looked very relieved.

"ALRIGHT. WAIT HERE." Papyrus said, and he disappeared for a few moments, only to return with a cup of tea. "HERE, YOU SHOULD AT LEAST TRY TO DRINK THIS. I DON'T REALLY CARE IF YOU DON'T FINISH." Though it took a while, you managed to at least drink some of it, before wincing, causing Papyrus to look worried. "I-I'm okay." You said quickly, pausing for a moment. "Hey, P-papyrus..?" You asked, and Papyrus moved his gaze to you. "NYEH?" Papyrus's expression became confused, and he tilted his head to the side slightly, which you found a little adorable. "Why did you...." You took a breath and tried a second time. "W-why did you.. Not kill me the first time... We met?" You remembered when you had first met Papyrus, finding him extremely terrifying immediately. He had tried to kill you, impaling you with at least five or more attacks, telling you he was going to take your Soul. However, he hadn't, instead he had stopped, and tried his best to pull the bone attacks out of you, and you never knew the reason why. Why he hadn't just killed you.

Papyrus started to speak, but then closed his mouth for a few seconds. "WELL.. YOU WERE CLEARLY TERRIFIED OF ME, AND.. I GUESS I DIDN'T REALLY WANT TO HURT YOU. AFTER ALL, I COULDN'T HAVE JUST KILLED YOU WHEN YOU WERE THAT SCARED. I DECIDED TO HELP YOU INSTEAD. I'M GLAD I DID." Papyrus smiled slightly, not looking away from you once. He looked so happy that you were okay, even if it would take a while for you to be completely better. You couldn't help but smile at the sweet expression the skeleton was now giving you, even if it did hurt. "You're so adorable, P-papyrus..." Papyrus's eyes widened at your words, and he quickly looked away, staring at the floor. "N-NYEH! NO!" A dark red blush appeared on the skeleton's face, and you realized you'd gotten him to stammer. You chuckled, and Papyrus, who was starting to calm down, looked over at you. "WHAT?" He asked, looking very confused and flustered. "You're so cute..." You didn't stammer once, even though you felt like it. "N-N-NO!!" Papyrus's glared at you, blushing again. He was adorable, but you decided to stop for now, since it was also a little weird to see Papyrus flustered when he looked so scary.

The skeleton finally calmed down, and, he moved his gaze to you again. He looked very nervous for a moment, but he continued to hold your gaze. "I-I LOVE YOU, [Y/N]..." The blush on his face, which had been starting to fade, got darker, as he smiled nervously. His words caused you to blush as well, and you stammered for a moment. "I-I love you, too.." You couldn't really move, so you were probably going to have to wait until later to kiss him. After a moment, and though it took some effort, Papyrus managed to get himself onto the couch next to you. The skeleton curled himself protectively around you, and even though it hurt, you moved into him. Papyrus gave you a sweet, kind of terrifying smile, but it wasn't his fault he was scary. The skeleton breathed out, and though it was very, very strange to have a skeleton breathe on you, it was somehow calming at the same time. You smiled at him, which he returned. You started to speak, but Papyrus put a gloved finger to your lips, silencing you. "NO, DON'T SAY ANYTHING. I KNOW I'M THE BEST, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING." You chuckled slightly at that, shaking your head slightly at him with a smile. He was weird, but very sweet. Well, despite his temper, which didn't show very often unless you annoyed him a lot. Papyrus curled slightly more around you, and he could tell you wanted nothing more than to sleep right now. "IT'S ALRIGHT, I WON'T LEAVE YOU. AND, NO ONE WILL EVER HURT YOU AGAIN. NOT WHILE I, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS IS HERE."

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