Day 77 (part two), 78-84

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I don't really know what to say but I don't want to lose him or anything so I just stay in the hug for a little longer.

'Shall we go home?' He asks softly.

'If you want to?'

He doesn't answer, but just nods. We say goodbye to Jason and then start our quiet walk home. The way home seems a lot longer, now that we aren't talking and having fun. I wonder what he's thinking, is he thinking about Alex? Or about what just happened? Or how he can make me think it was all a joke or something? Or maybe he's thinking the same as I am, wondering what I'm thinking right now... When we finally get home Finn looks at me and says: 'Jen?' I look at him. I know what he is going to ask so I answer before he asks.

'Don't worry.' I say with a small smile.

He smiles awkwardly. 'Sleepwell.' And gives me kiss on my cheek, but only because we always do that, and then he disappears into his room.

Week 12: Sunday (day 78)

Only after a few hours sitting on the couch I notice I haven't seen Finn yet... He can't be sleeping, it's 4 pm! I go upstairs to his room and knock.

'Come in.' I hear.

'Hey Finny.' I say cautiously but not in an awkward way, just normal.

'Hey.' He says.

'How are you? I was wondering why you weren't downstairs yet.' I smile.

'I'm good.' Is all he answers.

'Okay, glad to hear that.'

He isn't looking at me, just keeps on typing and clicking things on his computer. I look at him and it hurts, that he isn't his normal self towards me... Will everything change? I just close the door again and go downstairs.

'So how was Finny?' Jack asks with a smile.

'Good, just busy.' I half smile back and luckily he buys it.

'Okay, so what are your plans for today?' he says as I sit back next to him.

'Not much, hanging out with Davv I think. You?'

'I got to work on that song for the live shows, so I guess I won't see you much today?'

'Nope.' He looks at me with a frowny face.


'But then tonight will be even better, because I haven't seen you all day.' I smile.

'That is very true.'

'Are you working on the song with Finn?'

'Yeah, we have to go to the studios to work on it there...'

'Ohh, so I'll be home alone?'

'Yes, I'm sorry...'

'No, don't worry Handsome.' I smile and give him a kiss, 'I'm going to take a shower.'

'Okay.' He smiles, and I go upstairs.

I put on a dress and a sweater I got out of J's closet. I love his sweaters they smell like him and are big and soft and just lovely.

'Hey, I know that sweater...' Jack says as he walks into the bedroom.

'Yeah... Sorry...?'

'You can borrow it, as long as I'll get it back again.'

'Can't promise you anything.' I smile and I grab my phone and board.

'Are you leaving already?!' he asks.

'Yes... since it's 4:45... I won't have long to hang out with Davv...' Not that I already called him about it, but I'm sure I can hop by for just an hour or so.

'Oh shit, is that the time?! I don't think we'll have time to go to the studio's...' he scratches the back of his head, 'Well, you have a great time today Love. I'm going to get Finn out of his room.' he gives me a kiss on my cheek and I leave. As I'm walking the streets I call Davv.

'Hey Bobby!'


'How are you?'

'I'm good.' I say not so happy, but happy enough for him to fall for it.

'Great! Why are you calling?'

'I was wondering if you could hang out?'

'Oh, I would love to but I can't... I'm sorry.'

'Oh, don't worry about it! I'll see you soon!'

'See you soon.'

We hang up and I just walk around town a bit, nothing special, just killing time.

When I get back home I see Jack and Finn sitting at the table, laughing.

'Hey guys, had a great day?' I smile and walk towards them.

'Yeah it was great! We have a great beginning of the song, right Finn?'

'Yes, it's great.' He says less amused, 'I'm going upstairs.' He says without looking at me and he walks out of the room.

'Well, that was odd...'Jack says, and he smiles, 'What do you want to do tonight?'

'I want toooooo...... Eat pizza.' I say with a big smile.

Jack laughs, 'and what do you want to do after eating pizza.'

'Uhmmm... I don't know...'

'Come on, you probably do know something.' He looks at me with one eyebrow up.

'No I don't.'

'You sure?'

'Yes I am! You can choose what we are going to do.'


'Because I already chose the pizza part.'

'Hmmm... okay... How about we go to the cinema and watch a movie.'

'See? That's what I call, a great plan.'

Week 13: Monday - Saturday (day 79 - 84)

It's been a week since I spoke to Finn... He's been avoiding me and he doesn't even try to hide it. Whenever I go to his room he just suddenly has plans he has to go to right that second and he never eats downstairs. To be honest I really miss him... I miss him being around acting silly, or asking me advice or just watching a movie with him... I also miss the music in this house, they don't practice downstairs anymore, or they are separate and Finn is in his room or they are at the studios... Even yesterday, when the fourth show of Xfactor was, the one thing we ALWAYS watch together, no matter what... He left right before diner to watch it with some friends. I mean, is it just me or is that weird? I also spoke to Alex, I didn't literally ask her anything about Finn avoiding me of course, because then she wants to know what happened to make this happen and you know... she obviously can't know, that would ruin her relationship with Finn and that is the last thing that I want to happen! So back to talking to Alex, I asked her if she had seen Finn? If they had a date lately? And she said they didn't... She was texting with him but she didn't see him in the past week... She said she missed him a bit, and then I felt bad... Because actually it was all my fault...

J is out again and I walk upstairs. I hear music coming from Finns room and I sit down next to the door. He is singing, first little things from One Direction. I don't know why but they really seem to like that song, not that I'm complaining... A few songs follow and then a silence. I hear him walk around and suddenly I hear a big BOOM! I stand up, wanting to check on him, but then I remember that he doesn't know I'm kind of spying on him...

'FUCK!' He's just cursing a bit now... 'Goddamn it hurts.' He says a bit more quiet. 'Shit shit shit!' This goes on a little longer until the music starts again. This song sounds lovely, I think it's a original since I don't recognize it. As I listen to the lyrics, tears start to make their way across my cheeks. It's about us...

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