Day 91

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For the first time in what feels like forever I'm feeling happy again. Not entirely, but it's enough. I'm so in love with Jack, and the way he doesn't let me forget it is amazing. When I think back to when I was younger, I never really thought of a boyfriend being really romantic or anything, mostly just having a best friend and someone I felt amazing with. And Jack is that guy and more. Right now we are laying in bed, I'm leaning against his chest and he is resting his head on mine, kissing the back of my head.
Finn didn't talk to me yesterday... I hope it's because he wanted to give me and Jack some space.
Also I haven't seen Davv and Alex in ages... I really want to see them, but will they notice? Davv probably will... but he's my brother, so it'll all be good right?
Bzzzzz. Speaking of the devil.
David: JT I miss you... Can I come over?
I smile, oh how I love David.
Jen: Of course, though I'm still in my PJ's...
David: I don't care, me too! See you in a few minutes!
David is such a dork, coming over in his PJ's.

'Davv, is coming over.'
'What's wrong.'
'I want to keep you all to myself... So I can protect you.'
'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
'But you know Dav is the safest person I could be with.'
'I know... I know... I'm just... It scared me.'
'I'm sorry...' I turn away my face.
'No Jen, don't say that, it's not your fault. It's no ones fault.' He kisses my forehead.
'Shall we go downstairs?'
'One last thing.' Jack smirks and he leans in to kiss me. I missed this, the cheeky J doing anything to give me a kiss.
'Now we can go downstairs.' He grins.

Jack and Jen walk into the room and I pull Jen into a hug.
'Good morning.'
'Morning Finny.'
'I'm sorry I didn't come to you yesterday... It just didn't feel good to interrupt.'
'Thank you.' She gives me a kiss on my cheek.
'Is it okay if Alex is coming over?'
Her eyes grow a little and she pulls the hem of her sleeve.
'Uhm, yeah, David is coming too.'
'Okay, great.' I smile.
'I'm glad you talked to her again.' She said with a smile, all relaxed again.
'Didn't talk to her yet...' I scratch the back of my head. 'But I really want to, so I figured I should just call her.'
'I agree!' she smiles big, 'Oh and you look good with your glasses.' She smiles cheekily and walks away. My feelings for her aren't over, but I'll make them.. Don't worry about that. Let's call Alex...
'Hey, Finn!' she sounds happy, I breath out.
'Hey. How are you?'
'I'm fine, thank you.'
'I'm so sorry I haven't called you for the past days... It didn't have anything to do with you, so don't worry about that or me or anything, trust me.'
'Okay, sounds mysterious. But I trust you.' She giggles, which makes me smile.
'You are amazing, you know that right?' I say, 'But I was wondering if you wanted to come over?'
'Yeah, sounds lovely! What time?'
'Whenever you want.'
'Okay, see you in half an hour then.'
This girl is amazing.
As I want to take off my glasses Jen an David walk in.
'NO!' I jump.
'What?!' I ask.
'Don't take your glasses off!' she puts them back on and I start laughing.
'Because you look hot with your glasses on! And I'm pretty sure Alex wants you to look hot.' She looks at me triumphantly, happy that she just won this argument.
'You are so irritating...'
'No I'm not. You know you love me.' she gives me a hug. 'Have fun.'
Ding dong!
'Hey.' I open the door with a big smile.
'Hi.' She gives me a hug and it feels so good.
I look into her eyes and lean in and to my surprise she doesn't move away. It feels like the first time we kissed.
'I'm glad you could come over.' I say just above a whisper.
'Me too.' She smiles.
'Are Jen and Jack here too?'
'Yeah, they're in the living room I think.'
She calls them and Jen out of the room to give her a hug while they are screaming my ears off. Why are girls always so loud?
And suddenly they are extremely quiet, they start whispering but I could still make out what they were saying.
'I'm so happy to be here again, seeing you and Finn.' Alex says.
'I'm happy to see you again!'
'And OMG is it just me or is Finn just freaking sexy with those glasses on? I'm not sure if I can handle it.' this makes me laugh.
'I know right! Have fun sweety, let me know when you are leaving again!'
'Duhh!! Give David and Jack a kiss from me!' Alex says.
'I will!'

'So I look sexy with my glasses on?' I smirk cheekily.
She flushes a bright red. 'You weren't supposed to hear that!!'
I give her a kiss and she smiles into the kiss.
'I really really like you, Alex.'
'I like you too.' She smiles.
'When can I take you on a real date again?' I whisper, our foreheads leaning against each other.
'Whenever you want.' She gives me a quick kiss, takes my hand and drags me into the living room.

'JEEEEEEEEN!' I hear downstairs and I run towards the door.
'DAVIIIIIID!' I give him a tight hug.
'I missed you so much!' I say.
'I missed you too bobby.' He gives me a kiss on my head and we pull apart again.
'I saw yesterdays show, and your boyfriend was really good.'
I blush a bit, 'I know...'
'You know, I'm starting to get a bit jealous.' He says nonchy.
'Why?' I laugh.
'This guy, being all over you and giving you all his attention and you giving him all your attention... I'm your brother you know...' he is pouting his lip.
'Naww you know you are the most important guy in my life! Don't get all sad about me and Jack!'
'Oh, I wasn't sad. I just wanted to hear that I was most important.' He smirks and walks into the kitchen, 'Can I make some tea?'
'Yeah of course!'
'You want some too?'
'Yes please!'
He didn't notice anything yet, could I mislead him? That would be a first... Well, let's just wait till he finds out.
'Hey, mate, how are you?' Jack walks in and he gives Dav a hand.
'Great, you?'
'I'm always good.'
'You guys were great yesterday, congrats for getting through!'
'Thank you, we were lucky though...'
'Jack, don't get all shy. You know no one could've beaten you and Finn.' I say.
'Yeah, well... I'm just glad we got through.'
Jack grabs a cup of tea and gives me a kiss and David a hand, 'I'll leave you two alone.'
'How's your dating life?' I start.
'Wait... come here.' Dav interups me and pulls me into a hug, 'Did you seriously think I wouldn't notice?' Well, here my plan ends...
'Kind of... It was more like trying to keep it a secret for as long as possible...'
'Why?' He whispers.
'Because I didn't want to tell you...'
'No, I mean why?' He looks into my eyes.
'I don't know...'
'You know damn well.'
I don't answer.
'Because life sucks, okay?'
'Why didn't you talk to anyone?'
'There was no one to talk to...'
'But you have Jack, and Finn? And me?'
'Finn was an ass that time, and I was ashamed to tell you...'
'And Jack?'
'You know him, he would think it's his fault, I don't want to hurt him...'
'So you just hurt yourself?'
'I guess.'
'This was the first time right?'
'Yes and the only one...' Dav let's out a deep breath.
'I'm glad you say that.' Davv forces a smile and he pulls me into a tight hug again, 'please never feel ashamed to tell me something again. I'm family for a reason... Family is there to help eachother.'
'But I just want to help others.'
'And you do, but that doesn't mean you never need help.'
'But you know me...'
'I do... and that is why I'm so glad I can see through you.'
'Me too.' I whisper barely audible. 'you remind me I'm never alone.'
'Thank you.'

Alex and I decided to go on a walk. As we walk through the streets, I see a patch of light, right next to a flower stall, and I know this is a sign, this is perfect. I grab Alex's hand and drag her to the patch of light.
'Wait here.' She looks at me confused.
I buy a red rose and walk back to her. I look into her eyes and she has no idea what i'm doing...
'Love,' I start, 'will you please be girlfriend?' I hand her the rose and look at her, eyes full of hope.
She smiles big and starts to kiss me.
'Is this a yes?'
Back home we stop in front of the livingroom door, 'let's wait till they ask about it okay?' Alex says.
We walk in.
'How was your daaaaaate?' Jen teases. Well that didnt take long...
'Oh, my boyfr...' Jen already interrupts Alex.
'OMG OMG OMG REALLY?! OMG I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!' she hugs Alex and then me.
'It's because of the glasses isn't it?' Jen jokes.
'Definitely because of the glasses.' Alex says, and she gives me a kiss.

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