Chapter 9 (II)

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Dirt flew into the air around him as Thor dug into the ground.

"Move aside Señora," Sunburn said, "Let me handle this."

Sunburn quickly started digging, shoving his face into the dirt and throwing it over his shoulder with his snout. It took him only a few minutes to reach the bottom of the grave.

"He's not here!" Dashie yelled frantically, "what went wrong? Where could he be?"

Thor paced beside the grave. "Did he use animus magic to escape? I suppose thats possible..." the SkyWing continued muttering to himself as he walked in a back and forth manner.

"Calm down," Sunburn snapped, jerking the others out of their panic, "If he's not here all we have to do is find him."

"And where is that señor inteligente?" Thor retorted.

Sunburn scowled. "I'm trying to help you for once!"

Thor pawed at the ground. "I'm sorry Sunburn... I'm just worried about him, that's all."

Sunburn relaxed a bit. "It's fine. Let's just calm down and think about this for a minute."

"Finding Des is what matters most right now. So let's think. Where could he be?" Irre asked.

"I know where he is."

"Trick!" Ace called. Though the IceWing had once tried to kill Ace, she had helped out the last time he was in trouble, so he wasn't all that scared of her anymore.

Trick gave a short smile.

"You do?" Dashie asked, "Then where is he?"

"Across the sea there is another continent, this one called Pantala. That's where Des is."

"Then let's go find him!" Ace said.

Trick nodded. "I can show you the way. In fact, Sugar made some animus tunnels to the other continent. She wanted to take over that continent as well," Trick added hastily.

"Wait, Sugar wanted to rule all of Pyrhhia?" Ace asked.

Trick nodded. "That was the goal. Now come on, the tunnels are on the west side of SandWing territory."

Trick took off into the air, the Jade Winglet following her.

"That was easy. Don't you think Pride?" From the bushes Erebus and his SkyWing companion had watched Trick and the Jade Winglet.

The SkyWing shook his rust colored scales with a shrug. "I don't go by that name anymore Erebus."

"Right. I continue to forget."

The SkyWing trotted out of the bushes, shaking leaves off his back. He appeared to be shorter than most SkyWings, though very burly and strong. His snout curved upward at the tip and his scales were speckled with sand colored spots. He definitely stood out among a crowd, and that was why Erebus found him good company. Two dragons far different from their tribes.

Erebus only wished he could befriend more.

Erebus tapped his talons on the ground. "I'm heading out to the tunnels," he said, "be at the mountains in two says time. That gives you one day to search for your siblings. Good luck."

"Thanks Erebus," the SkyWing said before taking off towards IceWing territory.

- - -

Looking at herself in the mirror, Queen Gold thought something was missing. If they were to have a guest she needed to look presentable, but no matter what she could do she couldn't figure out what more she needed.

Her ruby bracelets shone magnificently and her silver crown inlaid with jade could be seen glinting in the sun halfway across the palace courtyard. If her gold scales weren't enough, her pearly white eyes were sure to stun anyone.

"Perhaps a third pair of earrings could help," she muttered to herself, searching her drawers till she found a suitable pair. "Perfect," she murmured as she slid the dangling hoops into place.

"Ma'am," a voice said from the door, "The guests are here."

"Have arrived. The guests have arrived," Queen Gold said absentmindedly, "It will make you sound more proper."

"Yes ma'am."

Queen Gold finally turned away from the mirror and headed for the door. Striding down the shiny palace corridors she imagined her guest being awestruck by the beauty and shine of the place.

Dragons bowed at she approached the throne. Queen Gold held her head higher, proudly showing off her scales.

Settling down in the large throne, she turned to face the crowd of dragons that had gathered. Her advisors among them, as well as most of the lords and princesses. Guards were intermittent throughout the crowd, but they were for protection.

A translucent blue BladeWing strode down the center aisle- a lord, so it wasn't as though his name mattered- and bowed beneath the throne.

"Queen Gold," they said, "My soldiers and I spotted a stray dragon on the tundra today. This dragon claims to be of another continent, one that I have not heard of."

The Queen gave the BladeWing a condescending glare. "Let him introduce himself then."

The BladeWing nodded before stepping aside. Now a black dragon padded down the aisle in a somewhat joyful manner. No- they didn't have black scales. Rather they were covered in a cloak.

"Remove your cloak, and your, er, strange hat," the Queen ordered with a wave of her talons.

"It's a fedora," the dragon said. Yet they complied.

The Queen gasped. This dragon was the sparkliest dragon she'd ever seen. They were even shinier than her.

"Who are you?" The Queen asked, still gaping at the shiny dragon.

Surprised by the Queen's reaction, the dragon responded, "Uh, no one important..."

"I must know!"

"Uhm, I suppose even a queen must get used to disappointment..."

"Oh, come on, just tell me already!" The Queen demanded, fed up with the dragon's witty responses.

"I'm- that is, my name is- Prince Handsome Edge Lord GlitterPerfect. But everyone just calls me Des."

"What are you?"

"I'm a GlitterPerfectWing..."

And so started the long line of questioning that you readers should already know the answers too, and so it need not be repeated here. It is my duty as the author to find more interesting things to talk about, such as what color of toast do you like best? Personally I like mine the color of charred ashes.

But that isn't an author-y-ish topic to talk about, so I'll just skip to the next chapter.

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