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"I never thought I'd see this day," Sharon smirked, standing behind Steve as Steve stood in front of the full-length mirror, tying his simple black bow tie.

Steve could only smile at that. His body was a flutter in excitement, resulting in his hands shaking. Unable to tie his bow tie, he turned helplessly towards Sharon. Which, Sharon really was the greatest best man that anyone could ask for, and Steve was forever grateful for her.

However, Sharon didn't know how to tie a bow tie. Thankfully, Tony was there. Tony waved Sharon away before taking his spot in front of Steve. Tony conversationally asked, "You nervous?"

"Excited," Steve corrected.

Tony smirked, "Well, you look fantastic."

"Thanks," Steve sincerely stated. There were tears building in his blue eyes and Steve lifted his hand to companionably pat Tony's shoulder, "I mean it."

"I know," Tony confirmed, removing his hand from the bow tie. Tony looked over Steve before saying, "You look absolutely stunning."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and grabbed his deep blue velvet tuxedo jacket and slipped it on.  Before Steve could thank Tony again, there was a knock at the door. Tony and Steve both glanced towards the door to find Natasha peeking her head through the crack while theatrically covering her eyes with her hand. Steve shook his head and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you somethin'," Nat disclosed, peeking through her fingers to find the other members in the group to be fully clothed.

"Brought me what?" Steve curiously asked, crossing the room.

Nat showed a sealed envelope and informed Steve, "From Bucky."

Steve quirked a brow, intrigued. Taking the envelope from Nat, Steve stared down at it in his hands. With a furrowed brow, he read, Mr. Right, but it wasn't in Bucky's handwriting.

"Everything alright?" Sharon asked, not missing the confusion seeping into Steve's expression.

"Yeah," Steve reassured before flipping the envelope over and easily opened it. His heart was racing as he removed the letter. With shaky hands, Steve opened the letter and noticed more of the unfamiliar handwriting.

Dear Mr. Right,

If you're reading this, it means that I'm dead. And isn't that just fucking tragic? I had so many things that I wanted to accomplish. So much that I still had to do. So much that I wanted to do.

Steve realized then that this was from Bucky's former lover. He had come up a few times over the years that Steve and Bucky had been together, but Steve still wasn't prepared. Bucky had never mentioned a letter from him.

If you're reading this, it means that you are able to give Bucky everything that I wanted to give, but wasn't able to in my allotted time. I wish that I could be sore about it. I really wish that I could've been the one. But everything happens -- and if I'm being real honest, I knew from the moment that I met James Buchanan Barnes that he would be the love of my life.

The thing is, I also knew that I wasn't the love of his.

Steve's heart broke at that. He had once lost Bucky, and he couldn't imagine losing him again. Steve wasn't sure how he would deal with knowing that he'd have to give up Bucky. Really, Steve knew that he wouldn't be able to deal with it.

It's a god damn shame, and I can't even be bitter because I knew the truth long before this diagnosis came along. I know that you'll be the only man to truly hold Bucky's heart in your hands. And if you break, I swear to god that I'll haunt you until the end of your sorry days.

Of course, I know that you won't. I know that you won't because I know that Bucky's love is so encompassing that even if it's not all he can give, it's still more powerful than anything anyone else will ever be able to give. I know this because I know Bucky in the same way that you do. If you didn't, he wouldn't have given you this letter.

So, Bucky knew. Steve wondered if eventually Bucky would've given him this letter, even if he had never taken that plunge and popped the question. Steve would like to think that Bucky would've. After all, they would've been spending their lives together regardless.

I know that you're right for him. If I had to guess, and only on personality traits, I'd bet you're creative. Bucky loves the beauty in everything. One time, he laid on the wet grass because of the "light reflecting off the dew looked like crystals." I assume that you're kind. Compassionate. A good man.

More than anything, I'd like to think that somewhere -- if I'm anywhere -- that I chose you for him. Call me a sap, but I'd like to think that since I couldn't be that for him, that I could find the one that could be. Because all I've ever wanted, was for Bucky to get everything that he deserves, and he deserves the whole fucking universe.

So, if you're reading this, it means I'm dead and you're the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the god damn planet. Treat him right, give him love, and cherish every day that you get with him because you'll never know when it'll all be taken away.

Be good to him,

Steve's chest clenched and tears were building in his eyes while he internally thanked the man. It was more than Steve thought he deserved. It was more than Steve had expected. And he knew that he'd never take Bucky for granted.

I Do:  Blue Series 2 (Stucky Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now